Congratulations to all of you on another semester’s work. Just think what you accomplished: If you took five 3-credit courses, you spent about 200 hours in classes and another 400 hours studying, researching and writing. You’re 600 hours smarter than you were before! I’m looking forward to seeing you all next semester in the Honors lounge, in my office (stop by anytime: Warner 245), and at LCS meetings. Enjoy your break!
Looking for one more credit to round out your spring semester? We’ve got a number of terrific 1-credit courses that will allow you to explore new interests in a low-pressure way (graded S/U), as well as a service-learning leadership courses offered for the first time. We’ve still got a few spots in our 3-credit Honors courses as well. Let me or the instructors know if you have questions about the courses (or follow the links for more info):
- On the Road with the Beat Generation–Arts & Sciences (A&S) 1102H-–Prof. David Ruderman–Tuesdays 5:30-7:15, March 4-April 27). S/U.
- Learning About Ohio Earthworks:–A&S 1101H (1st and 2d session)–Prof. Dick Shiels–Fridays 1-3 PM (Session 1, 1/12-2/27) and Teaching the Ohio Earthworks, (Session 2, 3/4-4/27). S/U.
- Peer Mentoring—A&S 3191.–Dr. Laura Younger–Fri. 12:45-1:45. 0010-FLD. S/U.
- Leadership in Community Service–ESHESA 2571S. 3 credit, fulfills GE.