Below is the round-up of spring term Honors courses. If your major is in the Arts & Sciences and you hope to graduate with Honors distinction on your diploma, aim to have taken 5-6 Honors or upper-level (4000+) courses by the end of your sophomore year, when you will fill out an Honors contract. Remember that those 4000-level courses count as Honors courses in your first two years. One-credit Honors courses are helpful but do not count toward the 6-course expectation. If you’re a sophomore this year, make sure to contact me early next term to discuss the Honors contract.
Also, as you plan your schedule, remember than some of these courses fulfill multiple requirements–for example, you can pick a course that gives you Honors credit, fulfills a GE, and fulfills the diversity requirement.
Anthropology 2202H: People and Cultures: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. Dr. Robert Cook. TR 11:10-12:30 PM. GE: GE Social Science individuals and groups and diversity (global studies).
Classics 2202H: Classical Civilization: Rome. Dr. Dana Munteanu. MW 9:35-10:55 am. GE: cultures and ideas and diversity (global studies).
Earth Sciences 1121H: The Dynamic Earth. Dr. Dan Leavell. MW 12:45-2:05; F 12:45-2:30 PM. GE: natural science/physical science.
English 2261H: Introduction to Fiction. Dr. Derek Alwes. MWF 11:30-12:25 PM. GE: literature.
Geography 2750H: World Regional Geography. Dr. Kenneth Madsen. TR 9:35-10:55 AM. GE: Social science/human, natural and economic resources; diversity (global studies).
History 2204H: Modern European History. Dr. Gleb Tsipursky. TR 3:55-5:15 PM. GE: historical study.(Note: This class should show up in Buckeye Link early next week; it isn’t yet in the system).
Sociology 1101H: Introduction to Sociology. Dr. Angela Bryant. MW 2:20-3:40 PM. GE: Social Science/organizations and polities course and diversity (social diversity in the US).
Psychology 3331E: Abnormal Psychology. Dr. J. McLean. TR 2:20-3:40 PM. (Note: This is an Honors Embedded course, for which you can receive Honors credit even though the class itself is not an Honors course. You must email the instructor (mclean.59) before class starts to get information on how to receive Honors credit for the course).
Honors (1 credit)
A&S 1102H: On The Road With the Beat Generation (1 credit). D.B. Ruderman. Tue 5:00-7:15 PM (7 week course, 1/13-2/24). Study the “Beats,” a utopian collection of writers, including Jack Kerouac.
Service Learning Course (fulfills the ‘open option’ GE)
Psychology 4554S (Spring 2015): Language Development. Spring. Dr. Julie Hupp. Study language acquisition and help with a school literacy program. Note from Dr. Hupp: If a Psych student wants this course to count as one of their Advanced Sequence courses, then they will have to have completed Child Development (Psy 3550); however, I’m willing to be flexible about the pre-req if there are extenuating circumstances.
Pay it Forward Course (give out money!)
ESSPED 2251: Introduction to the Special Education Profession (3 Credits). Dr. Terri Hessler. Tu Fri 9:35-10:55 AM. Study the needs of exceptional students and provide service to a related area nonprofit. Students in the course will have the opportunity to decide how to allocate a $2000 Pay it Forward grant among the nonprofits at which they are working.
Peer Mentoring
Arts & Sciences 3191.01: Peer Coaching and Mentoring. Dr. Laura Younger. Fridays 12:45-1:45 (spring).
Students in this course receive 12 hours of instruction in ADHD coaching, working with one of the nation’s premiere coaches (Jodi Sleeper-Triplett), and then provide coaching services to other students (with or without ADHD). Excellent training for future teachers, psychologists or parents. Contact Dr. Younger (younger.18) to find out more about the course, or to ask for coaching. The 12 hours of instruction provide continuing education credit which you can build upon to gain certification as an ADHD coach, an up-and-coming field.