Most useful

I learned many useful things in this module that I can use in the future along with other tools from the previous module. The most useful tip I have gotten from the module is the important of taking breaks. I have always been the person to have huge assignments and countless tasks at hand. But, I would not complete them effectively. I have always noticed when I would have a large work load my grades would be poor and I would be drained afterwards. This was not a good reflection of the amount and effort I put into my work. Finally, I started taking breaks a tip from Module 7. I would always convince myself that I did not have the time to take breaks because I would have so much to do. This has proven to be more positive than negative. These regular breaks have boosted my performance.  Likewise, I would take breaks when I would feel lost in my work or frustrated to try and rebuild my energy. Also Taking breaks has helped me stay motivated which is really important as well. Now I feel more inspired and encouraged to attack new tasks I was scared to attempt before hand.

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