Strengths Quest

Top 5 Results:

  • Adaptability
  • Positivity
  • Strategic
  • Empathy
  • Individualization

Adaptability: I was mildly surprised by this result of adaptability, especially considering it was my top strength, yet after thinking about how I may be well-adaptable I realized that this result is pretty spot-on. I flow well in situations, and can change directions rapidly if needed. At the same time, I find myself able to settle into new places and situations efficiently. For example, traveling is one of my favorite things because I can experience and soak up the different culture and schedule of life in the new place.


Positivity: Unlike adaptability, I was expecting a higher placed result relating to positivity and/or excitement. While some people have told me I ‘radiate good vibes,’ I genuinely do try to look at the brighter side of life whenever I can. I heavily value a good sense of humor and ability to make a project more exciting, even if it means simply turning on music while I am working. While I may ‘radiate’ the positive vibes, I also find myself feeding off of positivity from others as well. I like to surround myself with happy, passionate people that understand fun and humor but still value hard work.


Strategic: This result was another surprise to me, and was also surprisingly high up on my list considering my top result was all about ‘going with the flow.” While I don’t particularly seek out opportunities for problem-solving, I do find myself planning around the time that I have, and making sure things get done in any way possible (where the adaptable part comes in). I enjoy new paths and trying out different solutions to problems, as well as trying new things. I am always up for an adventure, which combines my adaptability and strategic results together pretty well.