Education Round-up: August 2021

As a service to our research community, we periodically share upcoming non-Ohio State events, webinars, and workshops that may be of interest to human subjects researchers, research staff, and IRB members.
This month’s round-up focuses on diversity and inclusion in research participant populations; we’ll update the list as more events are announced. Also check out upcoming September events on citizen science and the IRB’s role in reviewing third-party research risks. All events are free or low-cost and open to the public but may require pre-registration.


New event added August 12, 2021

Continue reading Education Round-up: August 2021

Education Round-up: July 2021

As a service to our research community, we periodically share upcoming non-Ohio State events, webinars, and workshops that may be of interest to human subjects researchers, research staff, and IRB members.

This month’s round-up includes a week-long FDA virtual conference on drugs, medical devices, and biologics regulations, as well as events on translation in clinical trials, bioethics, and a meeting of the DHHS Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections. All events are free or low-cost and open to the public but may require pre-registration.

This post was updated on July 15 to add and update the event list.

Continue reading Education Round-up: July 2021

Education Round-up: April 2021

As a service to our research community, we periodically share upcoming non-Ohio State events, webinars, and workshops that may be of interest to human subjects researchers, research staff, and IRB members. This month’s events cover a range of topics, from the ethics of using left-over clinical samples to implementation science research on improving care in underserved populations. All events are free or low-cost and open to the public but may require pre-registration.
Continue reading Education Round-up: April 2021

Education Round-up: February 2021

As a service to our research community, we periodically share upcoming non-Ohio State events, webinars, and workshops that may be of interest to human subjects researchers, research staff, and IRB members. This month’s round-up includes virtual events on real world data/real world evidence, impacts of the new Administration on the life sciences, the ethics of artificial intelligence, and implications of deep phenotyping in psychiatry research. All events are free and open to the public but may require pre-registration.
Continue reading Education Round-up: February 2021

Re-post: Minding the (db)GaP: Age of Majority and the NIH’s GDS Policy

The National Institutes of Health Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) Policy recognizes participants’ informed consent as integral to responsible sharing of genomic data, stating that consent processes must “explicitly discuss future research use and broad data sharing, even if the data are generated from specimens that are de-identified” before such information may be deposited in publicly available databases. Minors are unable to legally consent, however, and parental permission is valid only until the child turns 18. Do researchers have an ethical obligation to re-contact of-age participants to obtain consent, perhaps years after their genetic data was collected?


Continue reading Re-post: Minding the (db)GaP: Age of Majority and the NIH’s GDS Policy

Re-post: Less (Tissue) is More (Complicated): Rethinking Research Involving Archival Specimens

photo-of-person-using-magnifying-glass-while-holding-a-glass-4149041.jpgDemand for archival tissue for both clinical care and research is growing, especially in the field of precision medicine. But advancements in diagnostic and sampling procedures have reduced the supply of leftover specimens available for research use — raising ethical questions for investigators, patient-participants, and IRBs.

Continue reading Re-post: Less (Tissue) is More (Complicated): Rethinking Research Involving Archival Specimens