Common Terms at Ohio State

  • University
    • The entire institution of Ohio State
  • College
    • Your individual academic unit offering academic programs
    • Colleges may have additional policies and procedures in addition to those for the overall University
  • Bursar’s Office
    • Works with tuition and payment
  • Registrar
    • Important dates, transcripts, transfer information
  • Faculty versus Staff
    • Faculty teach courses, do research
    • Staff provide administrative support outside the classroom
  • Syllabus
    • A document required of each class that outlines expectations, assignments,evaluations, course policies, class meetings, and more information specific toeach course
  • Office Hours
    • Time set aside by instructors to meet with students
    • Be sure to come prepared with specific questions for Office Hours
  • Carmen versus Buckeyelink
    • Carmen has the coursework/courses, submit assignments
    • Buckeyelink enroll in courses, conduct university business
  • Dars or Degree Audit
    • Track degree progress
    • Outlines major and General Education requirements
  • OnCourse
    • System where students can schedule advising appointments, look at past appointment notes, and more
  • Enrollment appointment
    • When a student’s account is unlocked for scheduling for the upcoming semester
    • These are assigned by the Registrar’s office
  • Enrolled
    • Status of having a seat in a particular course/section
  • Waitlist
    • A list of students who would like to take a course that is currently at capacity
    • When a student in the course drops, the next on the waitlist is pulled into the course
    • Students will not be pulled from the waitlist if they’re enrolled in another section of the same course
  • Full time
    • Enrollment in 1218 credit hours at Ohio State in a given semester
    • Transfer courses are not included in this number
    • Session 1 or Session 2 courses count toward the total the same way full term courses do
    • Assessed a flat tuition rate
  • Part time
    • Enrollment in less than 12 credit hours in a given semester
    • Assessed at a per credit hour rate
    • May impact financial aid, housing, etc