Kaizen: A Gamification Platform for Academic and Patient Education

When: Tuesday, November 13, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Where: OSU CCTS, 240 Prior Hall
Join CON faculty member Carolynn Thomas Jones and her colleagues from University of Alabama at Birmingham to learn about Kaizen, a gamification platform for teaching and learning.  Kaizen has been used in academic programs in public health and nursing, including our own MACPR courses where students learn about clinical research quality management.  If you’ve been considering integrating an element of gamification in your course, find out if this platform might be just what you need.


A Gamification Platform for Academic Education, Training & Patient Education 

November 13, 2018; OSU CCTS, 240 Prior Hall


10:00      Welcome, Introductions (Carolynn Jones, Becky Jackson)

10:15      James H. Willig, MD, MSPH, Associate Professor,

UAB Division of Infectious Diseases

  • What is KAIZEN? The Story, The Applications, Future Plans

11:00      David Redden, PhD, Professor and Vice Chair of Biostatistics

UAB School of Public Health

  • R2T Kaizen; Academic applications (Biostatistics)

11:45      Penny Jester, MPH, RN, Instructor OSU CON/MACPR; Clinical Research Educator/Consultant

Carolynn Jones, DNP, MSPH, RN, Associate Professor, OSU College of Nursing/MACPR

  • Kaizen at UAB College of Nursing- Academic Courses and Patient Education
  • Kaizen at OSU: Quality Kaizen – MACPR Quality Course: NUR7482
  • In the Works: GCP Kaizen

12:15      Q&A Discussions, Demonstrations

1:00       Adjourn

Additional information on Kaizen

An invitation from MACPR faculty member, Carolynn Thomas Jones:

On Tuesday, November 13 (10-1pm ET), members of the CCTS at the University of Alabama at Birmingham are going to join faculty from the CON MACPR program to present the use of gamification for academic learning, training, and patient education. The game platform was developed by James Willig, MD at UAB for the purpose of educating interns and residents in the UAB internal medicine program via a gamification platform he has named Kaizen. It was a huge success with intensive engagement and a marked increase in board scores. Since that time, this gamification platform has been used for multiple academic programs in public health and nursing academic education, to train rigor, responsibility and transparency to translational scientists. It has also been used in nursing for patient education. Carolynn Jones and Penny Jester have used it in one of the MACPR Courses addressing clinical research quality management and are currently working on a Kaizen game for GCP training under a UAB CCTS supplement award. If you are interested in learning about this platform and toying with the idea of gamification in your courses or nursing applications, please RSVP by email to Terri Ryan at theresa.ryan@osumc.edu. We will be meeting at the OSU CCTS- Room 240 Prior.

Hiding the Nearpod Navigation Link in Carmen

Many of you may have noticed a new navigation link on the left side of your Carmen courses called “Nearpod.” For those who use Nearpod in their classrooms, this may be a great addition to your course. However, if your students don’t need the Nearpod navigation link, there is an easy way to hide it.

The Nearpod navigation link is currently showing by default on the left-sided navigation on all College of Nursing Carmen courses, but it can be hidden if it is not necessary for your course.


If you want to hide this navigation link, the first step is to click “Settings.”


Next, click the “Navigation” tab.


Here, you can see that there are two sections where navigation links can be sorted. The top section is for navigation links that you want to be viewed by students. The bottom section is for navigation links that you want to hide from students. Since Nearpod is in the top  section, it is currently able to be viewed from the student perspective.


Left click on the Nearpod box and drag it down to the lower set of navigation links. Notice the note in the Nearpod box now, “Page disabled, wont appear in navigation.” This verifies that students will no longer be able to see this navigation link.


Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “SAVE.”


The Nearpod navigation link is now hidden and will no longer show up on the left navigation menu.

You can hide any of the unused or distracting navigation links in your Carmen course using the method described above. If you have questions or need assistance with your navigation links in Carmen, contact the CON IT team.

Useful Android Productivity Apps!

Android Apps

  1. Microsoft Office — document creation and editing
  2. Adobe Connect — join CarmenConnect meetings from your mobile device
  3. Dropbox — a personal cloud storage service
  4. BuckeyeBox — OSU’s official cloud storage service
  5. Google Docs — Google’s online document editing software
  6. Google Drive — Google’s online file storage
  7. Wunderlist — to-do lists that can be collaborative
  8. Evernote — write notes and access them on any device
  9. Google Hangouts — online chat client for meetings
  10. TopHat — clicker replacement for classrooms
  11. VoiceThread — multimedia social presence within online classrooms

Nursing Specific Apps

  1. UpToDate — library of clinical answers
  2. First Consult — clinical decision support resource
  3. Micromedex Free Drug Reference
  4. Micromedex Drug Interactions
  5. Micromedex IV Compatibility
  6. BrowZine — find, read, and monitor scholarly journals
  7. Stat!Ref — access to specific medical subscription books
  8. The Access Medicine — point of care information