Submit your Final Grades for Spring ’18

You’ll be submitting final grades for SP18 soon. If you need a reminder of how to submit final grades, or a step-by-step tutorial, we’ve provided some resources you might find helpful below. Please contact the CON IT instructional design team if you need additional assistance.

Additional resources

Get your Carmen Gradebook Ready for AU17 Final Grades

You’ll be submitting final grades for AU17 in just a few weeks. Are you ready? Now is the time to double-check your Carmen gradebook setup and prepare it so grade submission goes smoothly. The CON instructional design team presented a Flash Friday webinar on 11/17 on how the gradebook and assignment tools in Carmen are connected and how to organize one to rearrange the other. Find out how weighting grades, dropping grades, muting grades, and bonus assignments/points work in the gradebook in the recording of this webinar at

Additional resources

Time to Submit Final Grades

If you’re using old Carmen (D2L) this autumn semester, you can use this step-by-step guide to submit your final grades. 

If you’re using new Carmen (Canvas) this semester, you’ll submit grades by clicking on the little red gear icon to the right of your course title on the Canvas landing page.  First, make sure you are using the right grading scheme for final grades. When you’ve done that, you can follow these steps (click on the Details tab) to submit final grades.

Questions or problems with grade submission?  Contact us at