The Ohio State University
Covid-19: Disproportionately Affecting the Black Community

Covid-19: Disproportionately Affecting the Black Community

        Experiencing a pandemic was not something that could have been foreseen for the year 2020. As the number of cases of Covid-19 continue to rise in the United States, it becomes increasingly difficult to ignore the…

COVID-19 and Prisons

COVID-19 and Prisons

        During the current global health crisis, the main point of concern for many local, state and national leaders has been to flatten the curve and slow the spread of COVID-19. The Center for Disease Control and…

Globalism or Neocolonialism?

Globalism or Neocolonialism?

        The issues faced within the Black community extend from personal experiences to worldwide systems put in place.  There is no shocker then that one of these such processes is globalization. Defined as a worldwide economic system…

Travel is Not Neutral

Travel is Not Neutral

                   As spring break approaches, I would like to write a short piece on how traveling and visits to other countries are not places of neutrality. I was inspired to write this…