Genetically Evolving NEuTrIno TeleScopes

With Prof. Stephanie Wissel at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and Research Scientist Kai Staats, we are utilizing genetic algorithms to evolve detector designs for neutrino telescopes.

GENETIS Collaboration (Left to right) OSU Postdoc Carl Pfendner, OSU UG David Liu, Kenyon College UG Jordan Potter, OSU UG Suren Gourapura, OSU Grad Student Julie Rolla, OSU UG Ian Best, Research Scientist Kai Staats, Cal Poly Prof. Stephanie Wissel, Cal Poly UG Corey Harris, OSU Prof. Amy Connolly, Cal Poly UG Luke Letwin, OSU UG Adam Blenk, OSU UG Hannah Hasan


See our presentation given at the 2018 APS April Meeting.  Alongside the APS meeting, we held our first mini-collaboration meeting with the support of CCAPP.