3 Research Projects

Recent Research Projects:

National Science Foundation

  1. National Science Foundation – Award 1548015. EAGER: Toward Renewable Dominated Electric Energy Systems (RENDES). Principal investigator. 2015-2018.
  2. National Science Foundation – Award 1808169. EPCN: Solving Electricity-Expansion Problems Efficiently via Decomposition (SEEPED). Co-Principal investigator. 2018-2023.
  3. National Science Foundation – Award 2243228. GOALI: Coordination of Resilience Interventions by Consumers and the Supply Utility (CRICSU). Principal investigator. 2023-2026.

Department of Energy

  1. ARPA-E – A Grid that’s Risk-Aware for Clean Electricity – GRACE, 2020-2024.

National Laboratories

Argonne National Laboratory | Drupal.org

  1. Argonne – Convex relaxations to address the unit commitment problem with AC constraints and convex relaxations to address the unit commitment problem with natural-gas constraints, 2020.
  2. Argonne – Security-Constrained AC Unit Commitment, 2023
  3. Argonne – Risk Mitigation of Anticipated Threats, 2024


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  1. Optimal siting of batteries in distribution systems to enhance reliability, 2020.

Ford Motor Company

  1. Quantifying the Benefit of Electric Vehicle Aggregators in the Electricity Market, 2023-2025.


  1. Coordinated but decentralized operations of the Transmission System Operator and Distribution System Operators (OPTESO), 2023-2023.