
ISE 5220 Complementarity Theory & Applications

This course provides detailed descriptions of complementarity models and their solution techniques. It includes algebraic and geometrical interpretations of optimality conditions, equilibria, mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints, and insightful applications in the electricity sector. After successfully completing this course the student will be able to formulate, solve and interpret the solutions of complementarity models.


0. Welcome

00 Welcome to ISE 5220

01 Introduction

1. Optimization and complementarity

02 O&C Optimization problems

03 O&C LP

04 O&C KKT and beyond

05 O&C Example — Pricing

2. Equilibria

06 Equilibria

06a Nice equilibrium example

07 Equilibria Example — Market

07a GasPowerOperationsEquilibria

07b GasPower example

07c GasPower market example

3. MPECs


09 MPEC Example

10 MPEC Example — Strategic offering

11 MPEC Example — Vulnerability assessment

12 MPEC Example — Transmission investment

4. EPECs


14 EPEC Example — Market

17 EPEC additional examples

A Simple GasPower EPEC

A Simple Power EPEC

5. Homeworks

HW 1

HW 2

HW 3

HW 4

S. Gabriel, A. J. Conejo, B. Hobbs, D. Fuller, C. Ruiz, “Complementarity Modeling in Energy Markets,” Springer, New York. 2012.