Business Model Canvas Journey

I worked with a team to collaborate to solve a specific problem- a lack of developmental collaboration space for art majors, namely the Art Scholars at Ohio State. To do this, we decided that we could create an “art house,” where we would bring talented art majors together for a better living and work space and sense of community. Through this house, we would provide a community, work space, and exposure to like-minds, talented art majors. Initially we considered making this house for any art major, but the equipment they would need would be too diverse, which is why we decided on design majors and related majors. There was more that we could later develop, but we realized that this should start as our minimum viable product, and the best to offer it initially to artists through an application process. Our Business Model Canvas (BMC) is:

Art House - Business Model Canvas

Highlighted in green is our minimum viable product and yellow is one step past the minimum. Our full BMC would require additional steps.

Along with the social networking, we would supply various art supplies, to add convenience and value to the house. Again, we first considered gallery space and professional networks, but this was more than an early project could do. Ohio State’s School of Visual Arts and their Alum & Job Network is our two main channels. We decided it would be best to start as a nonprofit to begin the program. Instagram and our wordpress site, is how we plan to spread our vision and the various talents of the artists. I was part of a great team throughout this journey, putting in many weekly meetings while bonding with friends.


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