Text Review- Altered Carbon

For my text review, I am choosing to analyze the show Altered carbon. In this show it is a Dystopian society, where essentially you can upload your consciousness to a disk, and if you want to live forever. Your body only serves a purpose as a sleeve, and you can also choose to upgrade your sleeves if you want to, but only if you have the means, and most people don’t. In this show people of higher power, and more money are also able to live amongst themselves basically in the clouds. This show displays the injustice in the society very prominently, because they will also exploit working class members for their entertainment. For example the whole premise of the show was built off of one of the characters, who is the richest man of their society, who chose to take the disc of technically a former terrorist, and put it into a different sleeve just so he could have help with a case he wanted solved. Society is also very divided because there are people who don’t believe that discs should be a part of life, and that people should die naturally. It causes issues between society members, and it also causes issues for society members, because the government is much more controlling behind the scenes than is depicted. In this society the concept of the master slave dialect. The master in this society is this man who holds all the power and money, and with his power no matter how many people dislike him, he still gets everything he wants, because without him many other people wouldn’t have their roles either, and they want to keep their jobs, etc. In this society it is also very hard to work your way up, especially with the discs because it adds a whole extra level of wealth one needs to have in order to live or not the way they want to. 

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