Context Presentation: Toni Morrison’s “Recitatif” and Gayatri Spivak’s “Can the Subaltern Speak?”

In Morrison’s reading, Recitatif, we are introduced to two characters that struggle with the realization that there is a color barrier in society. Through Twyla and Roberta’s story, we investigate the start divide between socioeconomic, and cultural circumstances. At first, Morrison introduces the economic difference between the two as they grow older. Then, she starts describing the racial barrier between the two and how both characters finally break the racial tension. Through Morrison’s writing, she manages to describe the racial tension between the two without revealing who is black, and who is white. This can show how people are truly blind in today’s world on how both black and white people hesitate to interact with others outside of their own race even when underlying conflicts are present.

After Roberta and Twyla discovers this racial tension, they do their best to try to dissolve this conflict. I believe that this is where Spivak’s writing truly shines. In Spivak’s essay, Can the Subaltern Speak, we are drawn to question the current state of politics and post-colonial studies.  What Spivak truly focuses on is the strive for equality.  She describes that the change a better future is a slow and steady transition. I believe that is the main focus of the reading, is analyzing that our system is unjust and unbalanced, and then making a change to make it better.

I think that Recitatif and Can the Subaltern Speak relate to the civil rights movement happening in society today. The Black Lives Matter protests tried to highlight the systematic injustice of the police system in the United States. In a way, I believe this can relate to Recitatif because the figureheads of the BLM movement try to inform the citizens of the US the color barrier and how African Americans are treated differently. Their main goal is to eliminate this racial barrier and get rid of systematic injustice entirely. Furthermore, I think that Spivak’s work really focuses on the goal of the Black Lives Matter movement, equality. The protests following George Floyd’s death was the beginning of the subaltern being heard and acknowledged. It’s interesting to see different pieces of work in this class being compared to real life examples. Can you find any comparisons to these two articles to anything in the real world?

8 thoughts on “Context Presentation: Toni Morrison’s “Recitatif” and Gayatri Spivak’s “Can the Subaltern Speak?”

  1. Hi Jared,
    I really enjoyed reading your context presentation. I thought it was very interesting how you compared both readings to the civil rights movement happening today, the Black Lives Matter. These all relate because the goal of them is to inform people of the color barrier and eventually eliminate inequality between citizens. I also agree that it is interesting to see how different articles that we are reading in class can be compared to what is happening in the world around us today.

  2. I think that your analysis of the two readings was very interesting and dove deep into the meaning of each reading. I think that in today’s world these ideas of equality and eliminating the racial barrier is very present in the Black Lives Matter movement. Not only do you see black men, women and children standing up for their rights, but you also see countless white men, women and children standing up in support of the black people around them. They’re standing up for their neighbors, friends, family in order to ensure that our nation and our world understands the importance of equality and sees the discrimination occurring in our nation right now. This is important because it proves that, despite their racial differences, they are united as one through the BLM movement and that is what the whole world needs.

  3. I really enjoyed your context presentation and it helped me to understand how these reading can relate to what is happening in today’s world. Your comparison to the BLM movement was great because in the reading and in the movement, they are both addressing the oppression and the differences in treatment based on color. The idea is for everyone to live in peace without judgement of skin color and that is the main idea of the stories and the BLM movement. Even though there is hatred going on in our world, people of all races and genders are standing together for equality and what is right. I think that is very powerful and should be noted.

  4. Hi Jared,

    I thought that your context presentation did a fantastic job of analyzing the two stories and you brought up some points that I had not even thought of before. I also enjoyed how you connected the two back to today’s society and the fight that is still ongoing for racial justice. I do think that in their writings, they are trying to show people and give a different view of how race affects everything. Many people do not have to deal with injustice or do not see it firsthand and therefore do not critically think about it enough. These stories really make the reader think and analyze the situations and that could help people to pay more attention to what is going on around them in the world today.

  5. Hi Jared,
    I thought this was a great context presentation and thank you for taking the time to really dive deep into the two stories for us. You brought up a lot of good points in this presentation. You really got a firm grasp on the themes and ideas in these stories, as well as explaining to us how they connect to not only each other, but apply to the real world. Leaving the question at the end as a type of open ended thought was also really great because it got my thinking about how I wanted to interpret the information and apply them to other situations in the real world. Overall, great work!

  6. Hi Jared,
    I really enjoyed your context presentation and the points that you made in it, you did a great job of pointing out things that someone may not see or think of by just reading through the essay and story once. You also did a good job of connecting both the story and the essay together. I also loved how you connected it to the current day fight for equality, the Black Lives Matter movement. You make good points about how Spivak work focuses on the goals of the BLM movement. But have you thought about what Spivak is saying about how the minority is silenced and/or unable to speak and how that relates to how people in power, like the policing system and our government in the U.S., tries to silence the BLM movement?

  7. Hi Jared,
    I think you did a really good job on your context presentation and brought up some thought provoking points. These two readings definitely relate to the civil rights movement and systematic injustice. I believe that the BLM protests this past year really opened a lot of eyes for people around the world. I certainly learned a few things. The Spivak reading really related the BLM movement as a real world example.

  8. Hi! I found your context presentation very helpful and insightful as we analyze the readings this week. It is interesting seeing the relationship that develops around race in Twyla and Roberta’s story. I liked the connection you made to Spivak’s essay and the need for equality. It is a serious issue that has impacted society in the past and continues to be relevant as the Black Lives Matter movement has shown. The fight for civil rights continues and understanding these readings gives us insight into how important this issue is. I thought you did a great job at inciting further thought and really look at what is going on around us today.

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