Text Review- Gossip Girl- Ellie Masters

Class Injustices Within Gossip Girl

The television series Gossip Girl may seem adolescent on the surface but, when viewed under a cultural microscope, actually dives into social class injustices. The show follows rich teenagers through their socialite lifestyles and their high school drama. The last season, season 6, focuses the most attention on the issue of class standing and the different worlds in Manhattan. Dan Humphrey is seen as an outsider and all his life has worked to become a part of the rich upper class so he can be with the girl of his dreams, Serena van der Woodsen. Dan writes a novel telling the brutal truth about his ‘friends’ and all of their terrible lies to earn the respect of his peers in a fleeting effort to become one of them. The final season also reveals that Dan runs the online gossip site, Gossip Girl, therefore making him more powerful than any of the Upper East Siders.

Dan Humphrey is a native of Brooklyn, New York making him an outsider in the world of the Upper East Side. The teenagers there do not treat him with the same respect as their friends. Blair Waldorf, queen of the Upper East Side, continually mocks Dan’s upbringing even though they grow to become close friends. The only difference between Dan and the rest of the characters is that they were born on the Upper East Side and he wasn’t. Yet somehow he finds himself worlds away and invisible to them. The show follows Dan’s struggle to become apart of their world. Dan eventually ends up with Serena because he became a cold-hearted manipulator like the rest of the characters and therefore earns their respect.

The main concept in this TV series is Hegel’s theory of the One and the Other. Attending a prestigious high school where everyone is wealthy, Dan finds himself the Other. He dedicates his whole life to becoming the One and eventually changes his entire personality to be respected by the wealthy teenagers at his school. The ideas within Gossip Girl also relate to those within Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist. Both Dan and Changez feel out of place and an internal conflict because of where they came from. Although Changez was from Pakistan, a much bigger difference than from Brooklyn, they both faced animosity from those around them and had to deal with preconceived notions based on a simple fact of birthplace.

The creator aims to show the difference between the different wealth and social classes. The show asks the questions of how concrete is the social triangle and to what lengths does one have to go in order to cross it. I think the show inspires a conversation about the injustice between classes by drawing attention to how it can also affect teenagers. By focusing the show on high school students, the raw and immature nature of the class system shines through. Gossip Girl ultimately brings light to the issue of social class on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

Yo Is This Racist? Ellie Masters and Mia Massimo

Racism in the 2020 Presidential Election and its Debates



Transcript : E. = Ellie Masters M. = Mia Massimo

E. Hi, welcome back to another episode of Yo Is This Racist? Today we will talk about potentially racist comments in the 2020 Presidential Election and its debates. 

M.Trump declared this statement at a debate, “I’m the least racist person in the room” so here we are to find out if that is really true.

E. First, Trump made the comment “Proud boys: Stand back and stand by” during the first 2020 presidential debate in Cleveland. This was a response to the moderator asking Trump to denounce white supremacists.

M. So who are the Proud Boys in this statement?

E. The Proud Boys are a Neo-fascist and male-only organization that is involved in political violence. They are associated with white supremacy and anti-semitism. At first glance this statement seems extremely racist but we have to look further into the Proud Boys.

M. Well what do the Proud Boys say about this?

E. Well they have publicly denied supporting any form of white supremacy or racism. This is interesting because most anti-Trump supporters would jump to the fact that this statement is racist. In fact the leader of the Proud Boys is actually an African Cuban man which adds to this debate. 

M. Ok the Proud Boys appear to be a racist organization but how can that be when they are led by an African man? You know maybe they are just sexist or maybe they are trying to cover up their true intentions?

E. Even if we don’t know the intentions of the Proud Boys, we can still look at what Trump meant when he said it. It appears Trump doesn’t know much about the Proud Boys so I’m not really sure why he would say such a statement. It seems this is one of Trump’s random statements that he doesn’t think about before he says.

M. Yeah there’s definitely a lot of those out there. Trump did denounce white supremacists and the Proud Boys a few days later so it would appear this statement was retracted.

E. I don’t think we can call this particular statement inherently racist maybe just a bad choice of words on a topic that Trump did not know enough about. 

M. Yes I agree and I think this definitely could have gone better at the debate in the first place. At any mention of white supremacist groups, Trump should make sure to shut that down immediately so there isn’t any room for discrepancies. 

E. Ok so we are going to rule that this statement was not purposefully racist but it definitely did not come across well from Trump.

M. I agree he could have been more clear on his intentions regarding this statement.

E. Moving on to our next quote, in response to Black Lives Matter protests Trump tweeted the statement “These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!”

M. I remember the debate on Trump calling Black Lives protestors thugs and neo-nazi supporters as very fine gentlemen.

E. Indeed that was a very heated discussion that actually turned out to be taken out of context. The entire quote about the neo-nazis was as follows: “There were very fine people on both sides, & I’m not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally”. When reading the entire quote it becomes apparent that Trump was not being racist in this particular statement.

M. Oh wow that really does change the meaning of the quote. Anyway back to the original quote, was it racist of Trump to threaten protestors with military violence?

E. Well first we should look at the background of the “When the looting starts the shooting starts” quote because those are not Trump’s original words. They were in fact said by Miami’s Chief of Police, Walter Headley, in 1967. The statement was originally in response to the riots and crimes in black neighborhoods in Miami during the Civil Rights Movement. This signifies a history of racist police and brutality against black neighborhoods and people. Trump using this statement brings up issues of civil rights and the tense relationship between white people and black people.

M. I see. I wouldn’t say that that was an appropriate phrase to reuse, but we can move onto some more clear cut examples of racist remarks made by Trump. 

M. Keeping with the flow of some of the statements Trump has made- particularly in his debates I think it’s imperative to focus on some of Trump’s statements regarding immigration. Let’s listen to the following statement. “Catch and Release is a disaster. A murderer would come in, a rapist would come in, a very bad person would come in, we would take their name-we have to release them into our country.” (Trump)

E. What’s the context behind this? Who is he referring to?

M. So Trump is referring to the process known as Catch and Release- where immigrants ― mostly children and asylum seekers  are released into the U.S. pending their immigration hearings. And I may add that seeking asylum is completely legal. And as you heard he refers to these individuals as being murderers, rapists, and very bad people. Now this statement is entirely xenophobic. Not only is Trump denouncing these immigrants and giving them a single story- a very problematic agenda that we have discussed in great depth in this class in the Adichie discussions, but he’s also prompting fear in Americans by saying these racist things. Going back to our class discussions on single stories, when you skip to the “secondly” in the story, you completely change it. Many of these immigrants are fleeing horrible situations and desire to seek asylum here- legally, but trump’s depiction of them promotes an entirely false and unnecessary hatred. 

E. I definitely see the relation to single stories. Would you say there’s enough evidence here to say that this statement was racist?

M. Yes, I would say that it was a racist comment. He’s making predisposed accusations about non-white immigrants. 

E. I agree the statement was definitely intended to promote some negative feelings towards immigrants. Let’s look at another example. 

So for my second example I wanted to talk about all the times Trump has referred to Covid as the China or Chinese virus. 

E. Yeah that is certainly a heated topic right now. What’s your take?

M. So UC Berkley actually conducted a research study on this exact topic and found that Asian Americans have actually experienced heightened discrimination since Trump began coining the phrase the Chinese virus. And personally I struggle to see how Trump’s intentions in calling Covid the Chinese virus wasn’t intended to be racist. 

E. Yeah I can totally see why this has negatively impacted Asian Americans. I know you mentioned xenophobism earlier- do you think that portraying Covid as the Chinese virus creates xenophobia?

M. Absolutely unfortunately. These remarks are incredibly racist as well. They target the Asian American population and have quite literally threatened their well being. To reference the UC Berkeley study again, they noted that Asian Americans are experiencing far more cases of racism because Trump has sparked this fear in people that Asian Americans are responsible for a virus. No marginalized group should be named after a virus that’s completely illogical. 

E. I agree. Phrasing the Covid-19 virus as the Chinese virus only puts an already stigmatized group at greater risk. 

M. Definitely. I think we can also relate this to the concept of the “One” and “Other” we’ve discussed in class. In this particular case, I believe Trump was attempting to establish Asian Americans as the other and all other races as the one so that he takes the responsibility for the spread of the virus off of him. 

E. Yeah I see that perspective. Establishing a power dynamic like the “One” and the “Other” would create a situation where it’s easier to pick a scapegoat. 

M. For sure. Well I think we’ve covered a lot of examples today and gotten to really understand what makes a comment inherently racist. 

E. I agree and I’m glad we could use this assignment to deepen our understanding of some of the previous course concepts. 

M. Me too. Well that concludes all of our examples. Thank you for listening! 

Diary of Systemic Injustice Showcase – Ellie Masters

United States v Virginia, 1996

Ruth Bader Ginsburg ruled on many cases during her time as a Supreme Court justice, however she is most known for her fight for women’s equal rights. After her recent passing I found it appropriate to research her achievements. I researched United States v Virginia, 1996, a court case for which she wrote the majority opinion. The case was deciding whether the Virginia Military Institute was unconstitutional in not allowing women to attend their academy. The case ruled 7-1 that this was unconstitutional because there was no reason to be male-only and a women’s counterpart school would not give the same vigor of training. The impact of this case was that it set a precedent in the fight for equal rights. This is a systemic injustice because women in all walks of society are discriminated against. Society discriminates against women in the workplace, the household, and in all aspects of life. Although this particular Virginia case may not be a systemic injustice, the larger issue of women’s rights is. The categories of identity in this case were male vs female and the equality between the two. To get rid of gender discrimination, more court cases and laws need to be passed against discrimination in the workplace, in pay, and in everyday life. Once the laws are in place, I believe some of the stereotypes will fade away. Ginsburg mentioned in her majority opinion the need to extend constitutional rights to those previously excluded and I think that in itself shows the impact of her and this case. This case was not just about the Virginia Military Institute but instead addressed the larger issue at hand that some individuals were excluded from their constitutional rights.

RBG’s United States v Virginia case directly relates to Simone De Beauvoir’s concept of the One and the Other. Beauvoir explains how women are the Second Sex and that is exactly the argument being suggested in this court case. Ginsburg argued that the Virginia Military Institute was making women the Other and not allowing them the highest level of military training. The ruling came down to the fact that the institute was making women the Other by not giving them the opportunity to participate in training of the highest quality. This issue of equal opportunities for women is still extremely prevalent today and is an ongoing battle.


Further links:

Information on the Court Case: https://www.oyez.org/cases/1995/94-1941

Video Link: Aftermath Video https://web.law.duke.edu/voices/usva/ (file size too large to insert).

Image Link: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FRuth_Bader_Ginsburg&psig=AOvVaw0fYzWjDYIoWI8zLQQKgpsE&ust=1603400910251000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCIj4vsnNxuwCFQAAAAAdAAAAABBx


Week 3 Context Research Presentation – Ellie Masters

This week’s readings are Martin Luther King Jr’s “Letter From A Birmingham Jail” and John Lewis’ March: Book One. These two readings focus on racism in the United States and the Civil Rights Movement. We must first understand the concept of nonviolent resistance and its role in revolutions. The meaning of nonviolent resistance is a much debated topic and varies between individuals. Typically nonviolent resistance involves defying an opponent in a peaceful, anti-violent manner. This practice can be deployed in many different ways but for the purpose of my research, I focused on nonviolent resistance as it applies to race particularly in the United States in the 1950s and 1960s. These included bus boycotts, restaurant sit-ins, and mass marches. 

I first want to talk about the importance of Mahatma Gandhi in inspiring both King and Lewis. Gandhi was an Indian lawyer who led nonviolent protests in South Africa and India against British rulers. Gandhi chose a nonviolent protest because he strongly opposed the use of violence and, “he saw violence as the willful use of power to force a change in another’s behavior in such a way that the opponent is physically or psychologically harmed” (Nojeim, 4). Gandhi’s words and actions influenced King and Lewis to utilize nonviolent resistance in the battle they were fighting. Without Gandhi’s former successes, nonviolent resistance in the United States may not have been made possible. 

Furthermore, nonviolent resistance revolutized the United States. According to author and civil rights activist Erica Chenoweth: “Today, campaigns in which people rely overwhelmingly on nonviolent resistance have replaced armed struggle as the most common approach to contentious action worldwide” (Chenoweth, 70). The practice became well-known in the 1950s, coinciding with the increasing popularity of TV’s, and only went up from there. The media coverage of nonviolent protests revolutionized the way in which people viewed protesters. The story was no longer solely in the hands of the white people as citizens at home saw protestors not inciting violence and still being attacked. The availability and growth of media is what drives the change behind nonviolent resistance. For our readings it is important to note that King and Lewis were following Gandhi’s definition of nonviolent resistance. We also need to remember that King’s letter was published all across the United States and reminded African Americans and whites alike of the intentions of the protest.

Word Count: 394

Ellie Masters Bibliography