Text Review. Calla Mazzaro. The Fosters

My focus today for this assignments is being directed towards a television series that is called The Fosters. This is where I immediately went and focused on after reading the assignment prompt. To those of you who are not familiar with this series it is about a family who is made up of two mothers who are married. There is one child who is a biological to the mother who is a cop, then there is two hispanic twins that were adopted into the family, as well as two American kids that were fostered in at the beginning of the series. Right off the bat you can tell from that quick summary that there is some injustices that this family will face.

This first injustice that I will address is the marriage between Stef and Lena. To give you a little more background into relationship, Stef was originally married to a man and had a child and the ultimately left him for Lena. This split in Stef’s life brought some disparity from her parents and this was not really an accepted situation in the beginning. Another injustice that is brought into it is that Stef is white and Lena is African American. Not only is this a same sex marriage but this is also a multi-racial relationship. This can cause a great deal of differences of opinions from the outside world that the entire family has to deal with throughout the show.

The next injustice that I am going to go into more detail with is the multiple races that make up this entire family unit. As I mentioned in the beginning of everyones different races and upbringing this causes a lot of hardships on the kids who are made fun of for their blended family.

Another injustice is the role that Stef plays in the series. She is a female cop. As we know a police officer is a role that was originally more so expected to be filled by a male. There is some unfairness and injustices that are present throughout her time on the show from other male police officers.

The last injustice that I want to touch on is the foster aspect that is brought into the TV show. The insides of foster and group homes are shown as well as the inside of how the foster kids are treated and switched from home to home. This show is a great example of modern day families breaking the barriers and defeating the odds of hate and negative opinions from the outside voices. This type of family is one that is seen all throughout America now a days and I think it brings great awareness to how people that don’t fit an exact mold of what is expected are treated.

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