Text Review — Yu Fu


The movie I want to discuss today is Wrestling, Dad. This film was released in India in 2016. It mainly tells the inspirational story of the former wrestling champion Singh who raised his two daughters to become women’s wrestling champions, breaking Indian tradition. In old Indian society, the status of women has always been very low. They have no power or even any identity. They are just an accessory of men. They cannot have their jobs. They need it at a very young age Have children and be a housewife. In the film, the daughters learn from their friends that many women have to learn any cooking and housework from the very beginning, and when they are fourteen, they are forced to marry a man they have never met. I think this is very unfair to these Indian women, who are being treated unfairly. As we learned in class, people in society are usually divided into two categories. Here, men belong to “One” and women belong to “Other”. “Other” will be discriminated against by many people in society, and will also be treated unfairly. This is gender discrimination. In this film, Dad does not want this tradition to continue with his daughters, he strictly requires them to train and constantly improve themselves. In the beginning, the daughters also developed a mentality of avoidance because of the high-intensity training, but when they learned that women were being treated unfairly by their friends, they had stricter requirements on themselves and finally succeeded in winning the national championship. They have restored their due dignity for Indian women. They are no longer the accessories of men, no longer housewives without status, and no longer the bottom members of society without any right to speak. Systemic injustice will no longer appear on them, such as gender discrimination in the old Indian society. But these are all obtained through their hard work. If they choose to escape or give up, they still belong to subalterns. This is a concept we learned in class. Subalterns do not have any power or identity and are often discriminated against. I think the author wants us to think about changes in identity and power. If we are experiencing unfair treatment and discrimination, we need to use our efforts to win the respect of others and eliminate this discrimination. And the author wants us to know that everyone has their value. We should not judge a person by his gender but should judge a person by his dedication and contribution, so that system injustices will slow down. Disappear slowly. We should abandon traditional ideas. Both men and women have the same social status, they have their own identities, and everyone has the right to speak.

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One thought on “Text Review — Yu Fu

  1. It was interesting to read the review of the movie “Wrestling, Dad”. It was released in 2016 in India and courageously challenges the traditional women roles in society. Singh was determined to break societal norms by raising his daughters as wrestling champions gives more understanding of the historical gender inequalities prevalent in India. I was so inspired by this story that decided to complete my college paper on the same topic. You can check now if you need assistance from experts who can provide you with the high-quality paper. We discussed this narrative in our class to underscore the concept of the “Other” in society and identified the need to challenge such discrimination and redefine identity based on dedication and contribution rather than gender.

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