Text Review, Yichen Wang

Hey guys, for this text review assignment I would like to introduce a movie to you. The movie is called A Clockwork Orange, directed by Stanley Kubrick. This movie includes violence and pornographic, and delinquency. To put in briefly, this movie shows how a villain loses his rights and is abandoned by the society, eventually being controlled by authority.


The main character Alex is a terrible villain at the beginning part of this movie, with three fellow villains. They commit commit crimes like beating up innocent people, fighting, breaking into people’s houses, and rape. Alex is outrageous and despotic, which lets his fellows dislike him. Later in a crime, which is Alex last crime before his tragedy, his fellows set him up, resulting in Alex being caught by police. Because of the crimes he committed, he then receives psychiatry, to be specific, electroshock therapy. The treatment is overwhelmingly successful, after the treatment, he feels sick when he has evil thoughts. This is when his tragedy begins, he goes back to his home after the treatment, and he finds out that his family cast aside him, having no place for him in home. His fellows who committed crimes with him are police officers after he finished treatment. His fellows hate him, and beat heat up violently. Alex has nowhere to go, he goes to a house that he broke into before, and the victim accepts him because the crime causes mental problem to the victim. However, the victim starts to torture him. Alex cannot take this, and he jumps out of the place, hurting his brain. Fortunately, or unfortunately, this brain injury causes his treatment invalid, so he returns to what he was like at the beginning. The government always uses Alex as a propaganda after his treatment. After Alex’s brain injury, the government decides to control Alex, so Alex becomes a clockwork doll.


Alex’s delinquency at first makes him hubris. However, he receives what he deserves. Sadly, his family and society abandon him. People treat him so bad that he cannot find a place for himself. After his treatment, he is the worst guy in society. The guy who Alex bullied before bullies him. I can see the difference in their identities before and after Alex treatment. The most shocking part for me is that his fellows become police officers. Obviously, at this point, his fellows have absolute power over him. They almost beat Alex up to death. I believe that Alex’s inner world collapses at this point, and I am sure that Alex realizes everyone abandoned him.


Though as a super villain, Alex gets the punishment that he deserves, people treat him so bad which is definitely beyond what he deserves. This story is a tragedy for sure, especially that Alex is completely controlled and becomes a doll, which is a parallel to the name of the movie, A Clockwork Orange.


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One thought on “Text Review, Yichen Wang

  1. Hey Yichen, I really enjoyed your text review of A Clockwork Orange! Your analysis of Alex’s character development and the themes of the movie was really thought-provoking. I especially appreciated how you highlighted the ways in which Alex’s delinquency is met with punishment and abandonment, and how that ultimately leads to his downfall. I was working on movie review for my project, and found in this article https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/top-5-college-admission-essay-writing-services-ifo9e that there are experts that can help. I also noticed the observations about the irony of Alex’s fellows becoming police officers and the ways in which they abuse him are also really insightful. Overall, your review did a great job of summarizing the movie’s plot.

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