Schitt’s Creek is a heartwarming comedy that follows a quirky family and their life. After having all their money taken from them, the Rose family had to move to a small town and quickly change their lavish way of living. It is difficult for the Rose family to adapt at first. They clearly had different lifestyles than the rest of the town because of their previous socioeconomic status. However, the rest of the town begins to warm up to the Rose family and vice versa. The audience is submerged into the life of the son, David Rose, and his sexuality. From the beginning of the series, David makes it clear that he identifies as pansexual. David explains that he is attracted to a person regardless of their gender identity. David shares funny stories and memories of his past relationships throughout the show, until he meets his future husband, Patrick. David and Patrick’s relationship is followed closely throughout the series. One important thing to note is the fact that David’s sexuality was accepted by everyone in the town. It was not even brought up by anyone; it was just a known fact. This is very different from other TV series or movies, which almost always have one character who is not comfortable with homosexuality. Schitt’s Creek shows a community in which it is normalized; everyone is okay with David and never questions him. This can show the audience a different perspective into how our world could look like it if it was not so divided by hate. I think the creators of Schitt’s Creek wanted to provide people with a TV show that accepts everyone. It brings up the question of how/why identity, specifically sexual, can influence people to act differently towards someone of a different sexuality.