Yo, is This Systematic Injustice-Daniel Garate


Okay, welcome back to yo is this systematic injustice podcast. I’m your host Daniel Garate, and I will be talking about families getting separated at the border, for coming into the US illegally. I know this might be a concern for a few people, but it is for me. I was listening on the radio on my way to work how 545 children were separated from their families. To me, that’s a lot worse than systematic and justice. So, what has the world become too. We see a lot of injustice, and the world we live in today. For example, we see racism. We see people not liking each other for the political beliefs, and we see a lot of protests, all over the country. But to me, the most that affected was families getting separated at the border. And not only that, I was born and raised in El Paso, Texas. For that most of this situations are happening in my hometown. So it really hit home for me. It made me think of the worst of humanity. Our government is very strong and shows what’s going to happen, if you don’t follow the laws. For example, let me show you the definition of immigration, or an illegal immigrant says, Any person, not a citizen of the United States was residents, deciding the in the US, under legal recognized in lawful recorded permanent residents as an immigrant. So tell someone that comes to the country illegally for maybe a better future, a better education. But most of this is because people want to chase the American dream. So, it has passed so many days that kids have not been reunited with their families, they’re being treated as big time criminals who have just committed murder or something like that, it treated the same level as them. So, because clearly the government can not take action to reunite the to reunite the families together. Because no one deserves to be treated like that. The media doesn’t really talk about because of the debates that’s going on right now, or anything, they’re hiding it from the public, and still this day, you still see people in cages children sleeping on the floors, and no one is coming forward to put an end to this kids not be separated from their parents at a young age, that will cause trauma and trust issues when they grow up. When a family stop up a border and accuse of crossing or attempting to cross illegally. Why are families getting separated. In the interest of humanities, it seems like it will be much more sense to keep the families together for whatever they need to do. It seems simply like unfair that people are separated from their loved ones. Even if adults who usually we come to the United States, and have children and born in the US. I still believe that they should not be separated. They should all be in a hole are kept together. And if they’re going to be sent bad get sent back together as a family nagging cybrary and I haven’t someone, one of the parents be in California. All the kids in Florida somewhere. If children must stay in the US, since they were born here, then the whole family should stay. Either way, I believe that they should stay together. Let’s just say these. What if you went to a different country, and you wanted to be there, but you went, you legally. But, I don’t know, some, some they have different laws in different countries, they say, No, you guys have to go get separated and somewhere like that would be nonsense coming from a place that gives you freedom from the United States. And we have never shown something like that
in history is completely insane that people think that it’s okay to do so. It is scary to think that people. And basically the government have the sympathy for people that they’re able to do this kind of stuff on chat. Not even because of the President of the United States, thinking is the right measure to do. So, this is one of the reasons why families just stay together, even though they’re coming. They’re known as criminals or that’s how they’re based on by their appearances, but you know how they say never judge a book by its cover. The world has become a nonsense. The mental damage your cause to these kids is insane. There’s so many thoughts going through my head about how, like it’s just the systematic systematic justice that is going on, because no one’s paying attention to it in the media is distracting us from the main events that are happening right now in our own eyes. So for example, most of these kids are from the ages of newborns to 18 years old. So, according to to the New York Times. Most of these families are getting separated under the Trump administration. There’s hundreds of parents getting separated and found everything department of homeland security officials say
they say that on Wednesday that the government has been working to reunite the children with their families, but has found in some cases that parents would not want to claim. Okay, so see this is a new topic or new non says, I like people are long to make it make the government look good, you know, they’re saying like their families do not want to claim to own child. Not to mean that’s nonsense because gurus can will not claim their own child. It’s like taking a part of your body, away from you. No one would love. No one would want that people are just having their own opinions towards this. The system is so big that even with not leaving with this kind of topic, but switching to the Briana Taylor case how some of the how the situation, how the police did not introduce themselves when they walk into the house looking for Brianna’s boyfriend because he was selling drugs, and due to the circumstances Briana Taylor was shot and killed. But the system, did not did not do anything about it. When they were charging the police officers, because one just got fired, and then the other one got paid on leave. But none of this was actually, there was no justice involved, all because the system is great and corrupt and someone has to put an end to this to government, and all the administration’s from Trump has a lot that’s been going on. And house and cumin. Officials say that most of these miners were appropriately discharged from his shelters, to a legal guardian or parent before June, 2018, but according to The Washington Post, is there are still more than 700 kids that are separated from their families. Since 2020 with the elections, going on right now, the updated numbers initially refresh our bridge. But one of the Trump’s administrators biggest cases says that every day, it seems like we uncover new heroes perpetrated by President Trump and his administration. But Joe Biden Johnston democratic rivals in the tweet lawmakers and advocates for immigrants. So when I say that the government should do more to ensure the families are reunited.
Even though they get sent back to the country, they still should all go back together. You wouldn’t want your family to get separated. Right. Nor are these families trying to get the same thing.
You’re trying to get maybe better education to go to college, or anything. Trump campaigned on ending illegal crossing at the southern border. It’s a big threat because they want to. They want to stop all the immigrations or immigrants, crossing the border illegally prefer some cases. Some people might not have been able to get a green card to come over, where they’ve been waiting years and years and their wives is at risk to worse the best option for them to do is come here illegally, maybe working hard jobs and everything to make a living. Some of the inference from the. of all everything there’s a possibility. Approximately 1500 separations and 500 are not considered to be part of the lawsuit that has been filed against the Trump administration. At some point, we’re gonna have to hit a group of families that becomes very hard to find. Imagine getting all these kids back together to families. Not only causes the economy, but they will have to, they’re gonna have to pay a lot of money to have these kids, and here in center, because only this is a systematic injustice, but it’s also systematic racism. You see everyday life. So according to this. This is unacceptable for our government to keep doing things like these.
Now on another side. The Trump administration has said they have zero tolerance policy on the US Mexico border.
Because hundreds of migrant child wire been separated from their families with little fanfare. Those were shuttled around the country, everywhere. put in cages, with no showers and everything, getting mistreated, but according to most of these dues. The Trump administration has since at least June been separating children from parents who cross the border identifies 22 cases of parents who have not been reunited with their families. And you have seen the date, over and over and over, and nothing has been done. Nothing has done about it. The guidelines of reunifying families continues until this day. On November 9 families are still not yet together. And what is the outcome of all this. What is the purpose. I was telling you guys all this information, if nothing can be done. Well, according to how people have been taking the elections. The protests of the police brutality, everything that’s happening right now. People have. Oh, you know, you still have hope to go and protest against the government. In most cases, not many can succeed. And they will get shut down. But most people will raise their voices to put an end to this. I myself, I cannot do anything about it. I cannot go up to the Trump administration and have them put a wall to stop separation of kids. But what is. But there’s always something that anything is possible. So that’s why most cases, there’s always something you can do either peaceful protests to stop the separation. And everything that’s come to it. This is very interesting because having history from my background. I mean, immigrants come here, families that are from a different country but come here legally. I’m still is the same process. There’s still humans, they still have feelings, they still have thoughts. But the just the injustice of how people view them. This is nonsense. And the key issues about the forms of bias shows relevant because you just don’t know when it’s gonna stop. People have elected a new president for the United States, but that still contribute how much say that they’re gonna bring all those kids home to their parents. And most of these kids are probably scared, worried. We don’t know they’re gonna ever see their parents again. So you see how wrong everything is in this world, how someone has the audacity audacity to do this. And it’s just crazy how people are just not taking this seriously how they should. But in this case, I feel what I’ve learned is that the government is going to be corrupted. And there’s nothing no one can do about it other than to sit there and take it because that’s how life is. Other than running for me to become president, and that is impossible for me to do, because I don’t have the resources nor the money to go up against someone that’s rich. Now, we all have disabilities. But in the most bad. I believe that most of these people have good hearts that they, they should come here legally, because they’re breaking the law, but most of the user they’re going to get sent back, they should be getting sent back together.
Because, because this is all even looking at pictures of like kids, crying and parents freaking out because they can’t find your kids is just, I can’t even watch some of these are in the news if you see it. Like, you just have to sit there and watch it and take it because yourself, you cannot do anything about it. And that is a conclusion of today’s podcast. Thank you so much for listening, and this is your host Daniel Garate, and I hope you guys have a good day.


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One thought on “Yo, is This Systematic Injustice-Daniel Garate

  1. I have heard about this podcast when I was preparing for my law project. That’s really sad to read how injustice changes the lives of families who get separated at borders. With the help of https://writix.com/law-assignment-help resource, I have completed an assignment on how such cases influence the society from the law point of view. I would love to listen more stories, so thanks for sharing your review of this podcast.

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