Diary of Systemic Justice Showcase- Daniel Garate

My Diary today consist of  systematic Injustice, My main concern right now are the families that are being separated at the border for coming into the U.S. illegally. I know this might be a concern for a few people but it is for me. I was listening on the radio on my way to work how 545 children were separated from their families, to me thats a lot worst than “Systematic Injustice”. What has this world become to be, families shouldn’t be forced to get separated the mental damage you’ll cause to these kids is insane, imagine yourselves getting separated from your family, the amount of hate there is in this society is insane. This really hit home for me, because I’m from El Paso TX and most of these cases are happening there. It made me think of the worst in humanity.

Our Government is very strong and shows what’s going to happen if you don’t follow the laws. Just like Recitatif, the kids were taking from their mothers and put into foster homes, but this time they’re getting put in to cages and not getting treated well.

It has past so many days and these kids have not yet been reunited with their families, they’re being treated as big time criminals who have just committed murder or something like that. This is an example of systematic Injustice, because clearly the government can take action to reunite this families together but nothing is being done, I feel like its our time to Come together as one to end such things because no-one deserves to be treated like that.  The media doesn’t really talk about it because of the debates that are happening right now, but this is something that can be hiding from the public and it needs the attention of the higher up. Therefore we deserve to treat everybody equal no matter the circumstances.


Children gettin separated Image



Youtube video of families still getting separated at the border

Immigrant families still separated face …pbs.org

2 thoughts on “Diary of Systemic Justice Showcase- Daniel Garate

  1. Hi Daniel,
    I heard about this separation recently as well and agree with you that it is completely insane that people think this is ok to do. It is scary to think that people and basically the government have to sympathy for people and that they are able to do this kind of stuff unchecked. Thank you for bringing this issue to attention because it is so important right now.

  2. I really love some of the points you made here Daniel! I completely agree with what your saying but i’ve always wondered one thing. When a family is stopped at a border and accused of crossing or attempting to cross illegally, why are the families separated?! In the interest of humanities it seems like it would make much more sense to keep the families together and do whatever it is with them they “need” to do. It seems simply unfair that people are separated from their loved ones. Even if adults who illegally come to the United States have children that were born in the U.S, I still believe they should not be separated. If it is determined they should be deported I believe the children should go with them, and on the other side if things, if children must stay in the U.S sense they were born here, then the whole family should stay. Either way I believe they should stay together.

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