Diary of Systemic Injustice Showcase-Connor Thigpen

I came across an article the other day about South African employment and job wages. In the reading, it compared the amount of jobs white people have over black people. It is very unsettling to know that the unemployment rate of white South Africans is only 8.3%, while the black South African population is over 39% (Writer). This is due to racial discrimination in the workplace. Although the “apartheid” has ended in South Africa (African word for “separateness” or “the state of being apart”) we still see forms of systemic racism that exist in the country (Apartheid). Additionally, a startling statistic was given in the reading: the black population in South Africa is about 85%, while the white population is only around 9% (Writer). It is important to note the entire population is about 58 million, so there are about 49 million blacks, as opposed to about five million whites. Thus, over 19 million black South Africans are unemployed, and less than one million white South Africans are jobless (Writer). Even though the white population is significantly smaller, the difference between these two statistics clearly shows how black people are discriminated against in everyday life. In addition, the article notes the composition of the lower classes remains predominantly black” (Writer). This reflects that the black population is at a disadvantage because they are either denied job access over whites, or simply because they are discriminated in the workplace, which results in lower wages. Obviously, there needs to be a change in our society, one where we can all come together to end these unfair practices that seem “okay” or “normal.” Nothing about discriminating against any race should be justified. People must realize that we are all created equal and should be treated as such. Laws need to be put in place to ensure the elimination of unfair and systemic racism practices in our world. In South Africa specifically, their government needs to create equal opportunities for all. Discrimination and unequal pay should not be justified, and people must realize this so we can unite and take a stand, to ensure a better future for all.


“Apartheid; Social Policy.” Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/apartheid Date accessed: September 22nd, 2020.

Writer, S. “White vs black unemployment in South Africa.” Business Tech, https://businesstech.co.za/news/trending/96887/white-vs-black-unemployment-in-south-africa/ Date accessed: September 22nd, 2020.


One thought on “Diary of Systemic Injustice Showcase-Connor Thigpen

  1. Connor,
    I like the research you put into this presentation. I like all of the statistics and numbers you provided, it gives good context to the topic you chose. It really brings to light that even without forced segregation, racism is still engrained in the system. There is no reason for the statistics of unemployment to be this different between two races within the same country besides racism. This is not a coincidence and it is sad that the world is still like this. This is a perfect example of how there is not equal opportunities.

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