I recently found out about such thing as a pink tax. A pink tax is a tax that is on something because it is a women’s service. This would mean something that would be a service or an item for both men and women would be taxed higher if it is for a woman, even if it is the same thing. For example, a haircut. Men and women all have various different lengths of hair, with different textures and styles. But, for the same style of hair and length, a woman could be charged with a higher tax just for being a woman. In NYC, Governor Cuomo recently banned the “pink tax” and claimed that anyone who does not provide services at an equal tax amount could be subject to civil penalties. With that, he even included in the 2021 budget for New York, demanding that it be given the same importance as other things related to the state’s spending. This shows the amount of injustice that has been in place for women. New York, being one of the few states that has implemented the ban of this tax, is taking a step for creating equality for the simplest things for men and women. This story is important to me because not only does it show that systematic injustice for women continues to happen in businesses, but also shows that women are not actively looking for just big steps of equality like voting, wages, and healthcare, but also looking for more simpler requests like just being charged the fair and same amount. A step towards moving away from this injustice is actively requesting that the states in which other people live (like my home state of New Jersey) work towards banning this tax locally as well as federally. Along with that, working towards making services in general cheaper for women if the tax is going to continue to be implemented so that at least it all equals out somewhere. It is also important to educate both other women and men about this tax so that they can see where women’s money really goes to. It is guessed that a woman spends around $1300 just in the taxes for things geared towards women instead of men or gender neutral. It also shows that when society claims that women “waste their money” or spend it all on things like clothing, makeup, shopping, and their hair, it could just be their taxes!
^ This was my original post. After doing more research on the pink tax, I found that this is not just adult women services, but also children’s toys that are geared towards girls versus boys as well. Anything that is in the color pink versus the color blue can be priced higher because it is geared toward women. For example, the Joint Economic Committee used a document in 2016 to show the differences between men and women’s items and their prices. Attached below is an image of computer mouses. This just shows you how the same mouse can be priced differently if it is blue or pink. Many products in general are priced higher for women than men, but personal care products are the highest. Because women get their periods or need personal care products more frequently, I would assume this is the reason why companies believe they can price it higher and make more money. Attached is a graph showing the different prices of certain items that are priced differently.
But, in terms of our class, this injustice can relate to the idea of “subaltern”. “Subaltern” refers to the idea of being an other group, where you are not given the same rights or treated the same way as the superior group in reference. Women are considered the “Subaltern” of the United States, a country in which they work, pay taxes, vote, and have a majority of the same rights as males. But, in terms of consumer goods and services, they are still considered to be the other or inferior group. It is proven that women’s services are priced higher than men, and while some states are working on banning the tax, this is still a prominent issue that needs to be addressed.
Hi Sam!
I learned of the “pink tax” recently as well and was stunned at how the same products are marketed differently to genders. The images you provided are great examples and I loved how you tied this injustice into the concept of the subaltern.
Hi Sam,
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your injustice on the pink tax. It is really interesting to know how women are taxed based on something they cannot control (i.e. periods) and how businesses take advantage for economic/money purposes. Recently, I found out that the United States is one of the only countries that still consistently uses the pink tax. This does not surprise me at all, but makes me want to do something more to help the US become more progressive! Thanks so much for your analysis!
Hi Sam,
When reading through your Injustice Showcase it really opened my eyes on something that has been happening for so long I never knew about. While this injustice doesn’t affect me I can see that it is an important matter and that taxes shouldn’t differ based on gender. It’s an issue that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later because there could be many people like me that didn’t know this was happening. I believe you wrote a great analysis on the topic.
Hey Sam,
Your Injustice Showcase was extremely informative on a topic I believe not many people are aware of. Myself included, I was shocked to read about the “pink tax” and just women’s products costing more in general. Women’s rights are not something that is discussed frequently or seriously. I believe this is because people today brush off things such as the pink tax, equal pay in the workforce, and other topics because they believe they are not prominent issues. Instead, the blame is further put on women for not “doing a good enough job”, when in reality, this is a huge misconception that needs to be further discussed.