Once distributed to individual persons, restaurants or chain suppliers the wine must be stored in what is known as the cellar phase of wine production. Contrary to popular belief, the majority of wine does not improve from aging and are actually intended to be consumed within the first year or two of bottling. Only around 5% of wines improve from the aging process and this dependent on the tannins and other flavorings of the wine.
There are several rules that should be followed for the correct storage of wine whether long term or short turn. The first critical guideline is that the wine should be stored in the optimal temperature range of 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit and an absolute must is that the temperature remain constant or with very little fluctuations. It is suggested that the lower temperature, with in this range, the slower the wine will age. Overheating or drastic fluctuations in temperature can result in the wine can acquire a cooked or musty taste. Along with temperature it is important that the wine be stored in humidity of about 75% to prevent drying out of the cork and subsequent oxygen leakage into the sealed bottle. Storing bottles in the horizontal position also help prevent drying out of the cork by keeping it in constant contact with moisture. The horizontal placement also helps the sediments settle evenly in wine that is being aged for a long period of time. Another important factor in the storage of wine is the diminishing the presence of direct sunlight for that can affect the aging process; in fact many wines are bottled in tinted bottles to help prevent this.
Many high-end restaurants and wine retailers will have custom-built cellars to aide in the aging of a few select wines and to create a proper storing atmosphere for others. Such facilities are also available to those individuals that are serious wine collectors with a vast collection.