Discovery of the New World

Discovery of the New World

Summary: A letter Columbus wrote describing what he saw and what he did, along with what his future intentions were.

Quote: “This timidity did not arise from any loss or injury that they had received from us; for, on the contrary, I gave to all I approached whatever articles I had about me, such as cloth and many other things, taking nothing of theirs in return; but they are naturally timid and fearful.”

Explanation: Columbus tried to reduce their fear by giving them gifts but taking nothing in return. He did this out of good faith and wanted to get to know them better.

Quote: “Thus, they bartered, like idiots, cotton and gold for fragments of bows, glasses, bottles, and jars; which I forbad as being unjust, and myself gave them many beautiful and acceptable articles which I had brought with me, taking nothing from them in return; I did this in order that I might the more easily conciliate them, that they might be led to become Christians, and be inclined to entertain a regard for the King and Queen, our Princes and all Spaniards, and that I might induce them to take an interest in seeking out, and collecting, and delivering to us such things as they possessed in abundance, but which we greatly needed.”

Explanation: The natives didn’t know what a fair trade was and Columbus refused to take advantage of them. He wanted to build good faith in order to possibly convert them to Christianity. He wanted a long term good relationship.

Quote: “This island is to be regarded with especial interest, and not to be slighted; for although as I have said I took possession of all these islands in the name of our invincible King, and the government of them is unreservedly committed to his said Majesty, yet there was one large town in Espanola of which especially I took possession, situated in a remarkably favourable spot, and in every way convenient for the purpose of gain and commerce.”

Explanation: He was looking out for his country and how they could benefit from it.

Citation: Columbus, Christopher. “Discovery of the New World.” Discovery of the New World, 8/1/2017, p. 1. EBSCOhost,

Connor Gregory