Analyzing the Neighborhood – Grandview Heights

  • The overall food environment has a very good layout and accommodates the residents very well. There are plenty of sidewalks and there is sufficient lighting throughout the city. The transportation and safety are also a major important of the neighborhood and Grandview Heights seems to have a very good system in place.
  • There is a clear disconnect between the major residential area and the commercial area. In the commercial area there is a market for families to buy food, there are also several restaurants in the surrounding area. This main commercial area is able to provide residents with just enough healthy food
  • The residents in Grandview Heights could be considered food secure because there is a large market within close access to almost all of the residents. This market can provide the whole neighborhood that they need, with an addition of many restaurants in the area.
  • Grandview Heights could be considered a “food swamp” because even though there is a very large supermarket to provide the area with healthy food there is an immense amount of fast food restaurants. Almost every major fast food chain has an option in this neighborhood.
  • There can be many things to do to improve the food-ways in the neighborhood. With there being a separation between the commercial and residential are there can be more of combinations between the two, since this is already an established neighborhood this could be difficult but it can definitely be done. Another way that the food-way can be improved is establishing another major grocery store in the area since there is only one main source. If another grocery store is able to be built in another part in the neighborhood in relation to the supermarket already established it could prevent some residents from having to resort to fast food. Overall Grandview Heights provides its residents with many food options but there can be improvements made to help the quality of the food.

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