
My Dream


All my life, I’ve wanted to become a veterinarian. It seems like it’s every child’s dream to work with animals, but for me, it has become something I want to make a reality. But over the past couple years, I had started to doubt myself. Every time I looked for information about vet school, it always came to the facts there were only 32 vet schools in the nation, and that getting in would be the most difficult thing imaginable. I didn’t think I had what it would take to get in. I didn’t think that I’d be able to succeed academically during my undergraduate years and meet the standards.

Last Christmas, a very close friend of mine gifted me this wonderful keychain. When she gave it to me, she told me that while I didn’t see the potential that I had to succeed and follow my dreams, my friends and family did. She told me that she hoped that I would eventually gain the confidence to see in myself what other could. I carry this keychain on my lanyard every time I leave my dorm. It is a reminder of why I am here at Ohio State, and what I can do if I push through, and just simply, believe in myself. The next four years will be tough, but I have to believe that I can do it. I am grateful to my friend for seeing in me what I initially could not, and I know that I have what it takes to get into vet school.

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