
For the Do. portion of the Eat. Go. Do. project I went to a fitness class at the RPAC. I have always wanted to go to one, mostly because they are free. I find it very important to take time out of my schedule to focus on my health and overall well-being. I decided to go to a yoga class because I am very interested in learning more about it, and I love how yoga has the power to transform the body and mind. I went on a Sunday with my friend Lilly (in the picture). The specific class I went to is “Yoga Foundations.” In this class I learned some of the basics of yoga- focussing on the balancing aspect of it. I really enjoyed this class because of how relaxing it was. I have a lot of stress from classes and midterms so it was really nice to take time out of my day to focus on myself and my body.





For the Go. portion of the Eat. Go. Do. project I went to the Short North with two of my friends. I have heard that there are so many amazing places to go here such as restaurants and art galleries and cool little shops, so I was really excited to finally be able to go! One of my friends that came with me was visiting from out of town so I thought it would be a fun place for all of us to go. Even though it was pretty cold outside and snowing, we walked around a bit and went to dinner at Basil. At Basil we ate some amazing Thai food and got to sit together to talk and catch up. We also got a little dressed up, which is always fun to do with friends. I haven’t had a lot of time lately to go out and do fun things around Columbus because of homework and studying for exams, so this past weekend was a really special time for me because I was able to do something fun with people that I really enjoy.





For the Eat. portion of my Eat. Go. Do. project I have decided to go to Hang Over Easy for a breakfast date with one of my friends. I live about 2 minutes (walking) from this restaurant yet I had never been there before, so I thought that I had to check it out. Also, I absolutely love breakfast/brunch food so I thought this would be a great place for it. I went with one of my friends, Lilly, who also has a passion for brunch. I ordered the “Whole Lotta Goodness.” It has french toast, sausage, cheese, eggs, and potatoes all on one plate. It was extremely tasty to say the least. One of the things that I like about myself is my ability to eat absolutely anything. I love trying new things, and the different foods on the menu were definitely not your typical breakfast foods. I can’t wait to go back with more of my friends and eat some more great food!
