Final Strategic Life Plan

Throughout my short time here at Ohio State, I have come to an understanding of my strategic life plan and where I would like it to go. First of all, I am confident in my choice of major, public health, as well as the planning that I have done for this specific major. I also have a plan B in case this major does not work out the way I would like. I have an increased awareness of the resources here at OSU, and I have used a decent amount of them, including faculty office hours, libraries, and extra help with some of my course work. I am very happy to know that I go to a school that genuinely cares about me and my academic success. One of the major challenges I have faced is trying to stay healthy and well while also keeping up with my studies and classes. I am not able to say that I have fully solved this problem, but I understand what I need to do in order to maintain my health. I am focusing on going to the gym on a regular basis, as well as trying to find healthy foods around campus. I am trying to motivate myself to do these things because I know how important they are for my health and success here at OSU. I am also trying to make sure that I do a good amount of extracurricular activities. I have been having a hard time trying to make time for myself and not just for studying. I am working on becoming more active in the groups that I am currently in, and trying to find more activities that I would genuinely be interested in. I rely heavily on my friends and upperclassmen to help me figure out what I want to do here, while also paying attention to what I personally enjoy. They help answer the numerous questions that I have about this campus. Overall, I am looking forward to next semester and learning even more about this amazing university and all that it has to offer.

The amazing friends I have made so far

The amazing friends I have made so far

Moving in

Moving in

Go Bucks!

Go Bucks!