Aayush Successfully Defenses Thesis

Our fabulous student Aayush Sharma successfully defended his undergraduate honors research thesis this afternoon! Aayush was our first student to join the lab as an undergraduate student and spend his entire undergraduate career at OSU with us. Aayush will be graduating with an Honors Research Distinction in Neuroscience and has been accepted into Medical School. We’re so incredibly proud of Aayush and can’t wait to see what his future holds!

Aayush’s Research Scholarship

Aayush Sharma, our Senior RA, was awarded a $6000 Undergraduate Research Scholarship Undergraduate Research Scholarship by OSU’s College of Arts and Sciences Honors Program. Aayush’s research proposal was selected from a truly excellent
group of submissions, and his selection indicates the committee’s confidence in his ability to complete a significant research project as a prelude to his post-graduate studies and career. With this award, Aayush has been recognized as a person who has the potential to make a substantial contribution to research. Congratulations, Aayush!

Jessie’s Thesis Project

Today, Jessie Lewis successfully defended her Master’s Thesis titled “The impact of neurocognitive skills on degraded sentence recognition.” Jessie’s thesis was presented (via Zoom) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for her PhD. On her thesis committee sat Aaron Moberly, MD and Christina Roup, PhD. Congratulations on your hard work, Jessie! 💪🏻

Undergraduate Thesis Defense

Round of applause to Jillian Harrington for a fantastic thesis defense! 🎉

It was the culmination of 2 years worth of a lot of hard work and late nights, but it paid off tenfold 🥇 Her committee members noted that her thesis was a “pleasure to read and listen to,” “very interesting,” and contained “exciting research with a lot of things to think about.” We’re very proud of Jillian’s grit, mentoring of junior RAs, writing/speaking skills, and ability to answer difficult questions!

Join us in congratulating Jillian on graduating this Spring semester with Honors! 🏆


CogFest 2019

The Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences at OSU hosted it’s annual conference, CogFest, March 24-25th. Each year CogFest invites faculty, students, and community members to explore questions related to human cognition from behavioral, applied, computational modeling, and cognitive neuroscience perspectives. Two of our undergraduate RAs, Julianne Peacock and Gina Vivino, presented their research project examining “Are all directives bad? A look into how maternal linguistic input may serve to bootstrap socially appropriate behavior.” Round of applause for their fantastic work!

Julianne and Gina

In action!

Undergraduate Research Scholarship Competition

OSU’s College of Arts and Sciences Honors Program has awarded one of our students, Jillian Harrington, an Undergraduate Research Scholarship / International Research Grant for research she’s conducting in our laboratory. Jillian’s selection indicates the committee’s confidence in her ability to complete a significant research project as a prelude to her post-graduate studies and career.

New eBulletin on Raising and Educating Deaf Children

Dr. Castellanos has written a new eBulletin for Oxford University Press about Deaf Children’s Joint Attention in Social Interactions.

The eBulletin is published and freely accessible on the Raising and Educating Deaf Children: Foundations for Policy, Practice, and Outcomes website. This dedicated website seeks to provide objective, evidence-based information for policy-making and practice associated with raising and educating deaf children, with an eye to improving them.

Dr. Castellanos Named AJSLP Editor Award Recipient

Congratulations to Dr. Irina Castellanos, Assistant Professor for the Department of Otolaryngology. The Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology has selected her article, “Early Expressive Language Skills Predict Long-Term Neurocognitive Outcomes in Cochlear Implant Users: Evidence From the MacArthur–Bates Communicative Development Inventories,” as the winner of the 2016 Editor’s Award. An Editor’s Award is truly a high honor, with selection limited to the most impactful works that meet the highest quality standards in research design and presentation.