We will reach out to you the day before your appointment to assure you do not have any questions and can still make your appointment. You will have been sent a map that will guide you to our lab. We will have a researcher waiting outside to direct you to our parking space and provide you with a free parking pass. You and your child(ren) will be escorted into the building to our lab space.
You and your child will be greeted with a fun family room full of toys, games and coloring. This will give your child time to get comfortable with the new surroundings while allowing you and the researcher to go over your consent forms and other paperwork. Once this is complete the researcher will take you and/or your child to the testing area to begin the games!
Your child will then participate in a study that was previously agreed upon by both yourself and the research team. The studies as a whole generally take about an hour to an hour and a half to complete. Your child’s participation is voluntary and can stop at any time with no negative consequences.
Your appointment will end by receiving stickers, a certificate of participation and a $10 gift card. Once you have received everything, the research assistant will walk you back out to your car and collect the parking pass. At this time, you are free to express your willingness to be contacted again or request to be removed from our database.