Module 7 Blog Post

This module was a really good one to close the course. I also think it was the most useful modules for me. I found a lot of things that I can use in my future endeavors in school. As someone who struggles with using my phone when trying to school work I really enjoyed the articled shared that talked about how the presence of your smartphone reduces your brainpower ( I found this to be not completely shocking but also very worrisome for me because I definitely struggle with using my phone too much. Another part of this module I really enjoyed was the part where it talked about how study breaks can actually be very beneficial. Study breaks are something I have yet to use effectively and I think in the future using them responsibly I can become much more productive. I appreciated that this module gave many ways that you can take study breaks in ways that don’t decrease focus or productivity. Finally by far the most important part of this module is the part talking about managing stress and keeping a healthy mind. Keep my mental health good was one of the biggest challenges I faced my first semester of college and I think its incredibly important to talk about how students can better manage their stress so things don’t ever become too much to handle.

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