

numOfPlayers: The number of players inputted by the users

maxDollars: The max amount dollars a player can bet

bet[]: an array of the bets of each player

value[]: the value used to decide whether the user is guessing over or under seven

roll_num[]: an array that holds the values of what the user rolls

i: the increment value that is used in the for loop when going through the players

roll: the random number rolled by two dice, which is summed into roll_num[]

Matlab Game Commands:

  • Initially, the user is shown instructions via, fprintf.
  • Next, the user is asked for how many players via the input command and recorded in a variable.
  • Then, each user is asked for a bet and is recorded with the input command with a for loop that increments through all the players.
  • Next, a for loop increments through all the players.
  • Within this loop each player is asked to enter a certain number for over or under seven and this value is recorded in an array value[].
  • Then, still within this for loop each player rolls two dice and is summed up in roll_num.
  • Still within this for loop an if statement is implemented to catch players who picked over seven.
  • Within this if statement, we decide whether the player wins with a series of if, else if statements that compare roll_num to 7.
  • This is then repeated for players with a value that represents under seven.
  • Within these if and else if statements for over and under seven fprintf the results of the game and how much the player wins.