
6th week blog

In this weeks module  we learned how to use a new tool called Tomato Timer. Tomato Timer helped me manage my time.

I used the app for new studying method.  The app breaks apart your study sessions into a 25-minute study session, then a 5-minute break. Which is very realistic studying time. I often find myself needing study breaks and this has it built right in there for you. Also nice it keeps it to 5 minutes so you don’t get distracted and lose time.

We also had an overview of everything we’ve learned over time of taking this course. I think it it very important for teachers to keep doing this for students. I often catch myself remembering and then quickly forgetting information after its passed and we’ve moved onto something new. I think with doing this it brings back good information that we could use for time management in our future.

With the course coming to an end we also had to fill out student evaluation papers and talked about things we enjoyed and learned from the course. This is also a time to speak up about something that you thought should have been taught or said different as well. I believe I took away some very good useful information from taking this course and will use some of that information later on in my life.

Fifth Week Blog

In this weeks module we talked about what all we have learned about throughout the course. The mission for this week was to at least talk about one thing what we took away from each category:

  • Strategic Approaches to Learning Online lesson, assignments, etc.
  • Communicating and Collaboration on the Web lesson, assignments, etc.
  • Efficiency in the Digital Age lesson, assignments, etc.
  • Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies lesson, assignments, etc.
  • Web-Enhanced Listening and Viewing Strategies lesson, assignments, etc.
  • Searching and Researching: The Foundations of Academic Writing lesson, assignments, etc.
  • Keys to Motivation for Online Learning lesson, assignments, etc.

Listed above above are the previous seven modules we had. This week I took time to reflect on each of these modules and thought about what stood out to me mostly and what I will use in my life going forward.

I believe this is a very good idea for professor’s to do. Our goal in college is to learn and not memorize right ? I believe too often students catch themselves just remembering topics and then forgetting them as time goes on. Its a great idea to look back and reflect on what we have learned.

Fourth Week Blog

In this week’s module we talked about note taking methods. Many of us are told to take notes during class but have you ever been taught to take notes correctly?

I am here to tell you there is several different note taking methods out there. What works for one person doesn’t mean it will work for the other.

Below I will list different note taking methods:

  • Cornell Method-The Cornell Method for notetaking was created at Cornell University in the 1950’s, and has been useful for many students in making their notes more organized. …
  • Outline Method- The Outline method is one of the best and most popular note-taking methods for college students. It lets you organize your notes in a structured form, helping you save a lot of time for further reviewing and editing
  • Charting Method.-It is an ideal method for notes that involve a lot of information in theform of facts and statistics, that need to be learned by heart. The information will be organized in several columns, similar to a table or spreadsheet. Each column represents a unique category which makes the rows easily comparable.
  • Sentence Method- Jotting main points helps you determine which information is important and which is not.
  • Mind-Mapping Method- When the lecture content is intense, the mapping method works best. It helps organize your notes by dividing them into branches, enabling you to establish relationships between the topics.

Note-taking is a very important part in every student’s life. The way you do it can have a great impact on your studies and results. If your notes are messy, it can be difficult to review them and find important information before tests and exams. This is why you should consider these 5 different ways to take notes effectively.




Third week Blog

Hello World,

In this weeks module we focused on websites that would benefit a student for education use. We were intailed to list two websites of our own and then pick one from the options we were given. The two I listed were EasyBib and StudyBlue.Both of these websites I highly encourage future students to look into.

EasyBib is a website that is 100% free for not only creating a citation but also checks for plagiarism mistakes and advanced grammar errors before you turn in your paper.

StudyBlue is a website allows you to make flashcards, take notes, documents etc and share them with your classmates! The cool thing about StudyBlue is its free and you’re able to access it from any computer long as you have your username and password.

Study stack was one of the options listed websites for us to explore for 15 minutes. Study stack is website that is very familiar as EasyBlue. Once again a very good website for creating fun and creative flashcards that help you study. Once again this website is 100% free and a great tool to help you study for quizzes and exams!

In conclusion, this week was all about working on different study habits in which would benefit us for education. I’ve learned there are many great ways and ideas out on the web that can help with studying and making it a little bit for unique.


Second week blog

Hello World,

In this weeks module we specialized into picky our biggest challenge when it comes time management.

I would have to say failing to manage myself when it comes to distractions. Second, I would have to say sticking to my to do list I will often find myself doing things I didn’t plan out that took longer than I thought it would. Third, I would have to say I take way too much personal time. Whether that be watching tv/relaxing/ going to the gym. I find myself spend 4+ hours a day doing personal stuff.

This week I worked on minimizing my distractions and work thru them. I believe if I create a weekly planner showing what I need to get done each and every hour it will help solve this problem. I currently just write a list of things I need done each and everyday with no times when it needs done.

My advise to future students is to will create a weekly planner and fill it out for what I do every hour. With this it will help keep you on track and not spending too much time on one thing or getting distracted. If you fail to spend to much time on one thing that will mean you will have less personal time.

Ohio State Students

Hello World,

Today is the start of my new blog. I’m a senior here at Ohio State and will be graduating with a finance degree of the Business of Fisher.

I plan on blogging for a student audience and help advise them in anyway with their future experiences.

In this weeks module we learned how to properly set up a blog and how to make it sharable for everyone to see. With us just starting the course we’re still in the process of seeing how everything works and learning about the facilities around Ohio State and what exactly each one offers to the students.

We have also have created a spreadsheet for our time tracking skills that we be starting next week. I am look forward to filling out this spreadsheet for the next 7 days to see where I can improve with better time management. One of the main reasons I signed up for this course is to work on my time management skills before I graduate. I believe this is a skill set that many of us need to work on in our generation. I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts with you guys about this course and hoping it can help advise you.