Cloverbud participating in Watermelon Eating Contest at the Greene County Fair . Photo courtesy of Xenia Gazette
Cloverbud youth can participate in most of the club and county 4-H activities. With a little thought and pre-planning, most activities can be adapted for all members.
Keep in mind the Program Foundations when planning activities and events. These specific requirements are listed at http://go.osu.edu/CloverbudFoundations. Remember their activities must be noncompetitive, safe and age appropriate.
Cloverbuds are able to experience 4-H camp! This can be during the county overnight camp or a separate day camp.
- Cloverbud Camp- youth may participate only in overnight and/or day camps that meet their needs
- Cloverbud veggie car – youth make cars out of vegetables such as cucumbers, carrots, eggplants for the body and other vegetables for the wheels and decorations
- Watermelon eating – how much watermelon can you eat
- Cloverbot Challenge- age appropriate STEM activities
- Cloverbud graduation- celebrating youth transiting from Cloverbuds to project age membership
- Show and Tell- youth share their favorite collection, item, stuffed animal, activity, etc.
- Demonstrations- recite 4-H pledge during county demonstrations to expose them to public speaking at a young age
- Snack- prepare snacks for a club meeting
- Thank you note contest- youth design a 4-H related picture to be printed on county thank you note cards
Cloverbuds are often excited to work closely with older members. Include Cloverbud youth in community service projects, gardening, and in club meetings. Have them lead the 4-H Pledge or Pledge of Allegiance at a meeting.
There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to where Cloverbuds are developmentally. Activities should be age appropriate. The Cloverbud Program is noncompetitive since young children have a hard time understanding the concepts of winning and losing.
When working through activities, be mindful to connect youth with real life experiences using the experiential learning model (http://go.osu.edu/CloverbudFoundations). It is important to work with youth so they fully understand the concept of the activity.
Talk with the county Extension Office if you have questions or suggestions of activities to offer for Cloverbuds. Remember, you are setting the stage for a long, successful, and impactful youth development experience!