So let’s say that you have been offered a position as a clinical instructor at a dental hygiene program. You are really excited for this new opportunity. What are the two things that you are most concerned about? Why are you concerned about these issues. What more would you want to know before starting a position as a clinical instructor? Hopefully some of you will find yourself in this situation soon, and you never know when you’ll have to look back at all the things you have learned in your career.
The first thing I would be concerned about and want to know more before accepting the position would be the opportunity for advancement. If this was a part-time position, I would want to know if this could develop into full-time, or if it was full-time clinical, if there was the possibility of a didactic position as well. This issue is important to me because I want to be full-time and work with students both in the classroom and in clinic. I would want to teach a course that I could then work with my students during clinic to apply what I taught. As we discovered earlier in the course, I am a visual learner and I think that would be the best way I could teach. I would be best at showing students things in the mouth through demonstration. I would not mind starting part-time and working in private practice, but eventually I would want re-evaluated for a full-time with didactic position.
Another thing I would be concerned about would be respect from the students. Even with a couple years of clinical experience, I would still be young and quite close to the students in age and experience. I have been in this situation as a student, and it was difficult. I would be concerned that I would be too harsh and critical trying to make the point that I am faculty and I need respect. I want students to be able to come to me with questions, but at the same time respect me as faculty and not a ‘friend’.
Something else I would like to know is how a typical clinical day runs. Do they have a meeting before it starts? After? When do students check in? I would need some time to observe in the clinic and get used to how things run. Ideally I will be back at OSU eventually, and I would know the basics. However, things change and I would need updated.
Like chapter 10 of HCT says, it is important for all faculty to know the policies and procedures, and inforce them. I would be sure to familiarize myself with them and comply with all rules set forth in the program.