Because I’m still in school, I have a lot of opinions on clinical evaluations. Our first semester of school, it seemed we had a competency evaluation every week. We would then get these forms back, and see what we missed points on, but I know there were times that I thought “cool, I missed points on this but have no idea what it means so I don’t know how to fix it.” For this reason, I think it is very important for students to be evaluated more than once. I also think it is MORE important that the instructor explain to the student after the competency to how to fix their mistakes. That gives them the opportunity to make corrections for the next competency. Now getting a 24/26 on a competency seems good and it is passing, but think of a competency on the explorer. Those two missed points could be on not sinking far enough into the col (-1 point) and not exploring the line angle (-1 point). If the student doesn’t know how to fix this, they will keep missing these points on competency exams but still passing. When they have multiple evaluations, one of the evaluators might say the right thing to fix this. Every evaluation is a shot to improve, so it benefits the student to have these opportunities.
I don’t think students should know they are being evaluated. Not only does it provoke nervous, but it makes the student concentrate more on their technical skills. I know I paid more attention to doing things the way I was taught when I was being evaluated. In the beginning of hygiene school, you have not made your own modifications yet so all you have is exactly the way you were taught. At that point, nerves are the reason students should not know. As a senior in my last semester, I have changed the way I do things, such as where I fulcrum when I probe the upper right. When I was doing my competency, I remembered the way we were taught, and focused on fulcruming on my finger while they were watching. It felt awkward because I had made this change a long time ago and had gotten used to my way. If I didn’t know I was being evaluated, I would have done it the way I had changed to and missed that point. Not that missing a point is a positive thing, but if the instructor had seen me do it my way, and I was missing a probe depth, she could have suggested an adjustment. I just think it is best not to know so your true skills are reflected.
Nervous students are going to be nervous, especially in the beginning of hygiene school. Instructors can try to calm these nerves just by being friendly and approachable. A simple smile can positive attitude can make a student smile and help them relax. I know I was always more confident in myself when I had an instructor that I knew was helpful and easy to work with. Also, instructors should be able to ask students if they have any questions before they start. This gives the student a chance to clarify anything confusing, and I know it helped me relax.