Overview of Assignment

  1. Discuss what leadership means to you in your role as a social work student and a future practitioner.
  2. Discuss the importance of being an effective. competent social work leader, and practicing sound leadership skills at the macro or micro level.
    • Discuss how this can impact how the profession is viewed by other disciplines with whom we work with on a regular basis.
  3. Discuss your thoughts and insights on two leadership concepts you learned about.
    • Which has had the most impact on you, and why?
    • How will you integrate these concepts into your educational program and career?
  4. Consider the “Five Components of Emotional Intelligence” in the Goleman article.
    • Discuss one area that presents the most significant challenge for you and why.
      • How do you plan to grow in this area?
  5. What is the importance of introducing leadership concepts to students at the beginning of the MSW program?
  6. What recommendations do you have for strengthening the leadership content in this course?


When I first read over the assignment, I initially was going to write a paper on leadership. However, I have recently been trying really hard to step outside of my comfort zone and decided to try something new with this project. I am not a very creative person, and writing papers is what I am used to. Paper writing is straightforward and doesn’t require much creativity. After I started in the assignment in paper format, I came to the realization that in order to be an effective social work leader, I have to become comfortable with trying new things. This led me to creating a website instead, and I am so glad! I had a lot of fun with this assignment.