(Module 5) Note Taking

Over the course of my freshman year in college, it was very interesting to see how my note taking strategies differed in different classes. In the classes I were passionate about and genuinely enjoyed, I took very extensive notes that constantly focused on connecting to not only each other but also a central idea for the topic. I was very focused and alert to what the teacher was actually saying, paying attention to additional remarks that are important but were not on the power point slide. This made my notes pretty effective in both retaining information in class and reviewing outside of class. Studying the notes became way easier because I was genuinely interested in knowing the topics. In comparison, in classes that I wasn’t very interested in my note taking strategies were pretty poor. I would just regurgitate the information on the power points and I would constantly wait for the class to be over. This made my mind drift to topics beyond the information taught in class. I would think about what I would do later in the day or even just about how much I don’t like or care about what I’m learning about in that moment. This mindset was extremely bad because it made my notes very poor and made it so I didn’t really gain an advantage from actually attending lectures. I didn’t retain any extra information, couldn’t ask questions, and had notes that were very confusing. This made it so I had to spend extra time out of class looking at online lectures or help so that I could do well in these classes. For the future, I have learned that it is vital to keep the end goal in mind. While I might not like what I’m learning about now, the class is being taught for a reason and the information can help me in my life and with becoming the person I dream to be in the future. Also I can constantly search for connections by thinking about how the information I’m learning can actually be applied to either my life or other topics of interest. Also I just don’t want to feel like I’m wasting my time in college again so I think I have became more resilient since having these initial experiences. My note taking is very motivation based so I will try to constantly give myself motivation in every class I partake in and I will constantly try to excite myself by connecting old information to new information. I’ve learned from videos like “taking notes in class” that even though many people will have different types of note taking strategies, that the best strategy is what works best for the individual. Any new student should try experiment and see what type of notes is best for them in retaining information and being engaged in class. This video can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc5qyMTjO3k

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