The National Urban Extension Conference was held May 20-24, 2019 in Seattle, WA. It is the only national gathering of Extension professionals who serve cities. The 2019 conference, “Innovation in the City: A Land Grant University Experience,” highlighted strong urban programming and Extension’s opportunity to support the university-level mission of land-grant universities in metropolitan regions. The conference educated and inspired with its urban focused presentations, mobile tours, and networking opportunities with the 350 attendees.
The Ohio State University had 17 in attendance at the conference. They were Beth Boomershine, Deb Carney, Nicole Debose, Margaret Fitzpatrick, Julie Fox, Michelle Gaston, Mike Hogan, Sue Hogan, Elena Irwin, Laquore Meadows, Suzanne Mills-Wasniak, Stephen Moore, Amanda Osborne, Roger Rennekamp, Tony Staubach, Robin Stone, and Rebecca Wade-Mdivanian.
Ohio State Presentations and Posters at NUEC’19
Watch for upcoming blog articles on a number of these topics.
- Maggie Fitzpatrick – Growing into your New Home
- Julie Fox – Essential Competencies and Innovative Practices for Urban and Latino Engagement
- Julie Fox – Staffing: Preparing the Urban Extension Workforce
- Mike Hogan – Increasing Diversity of MGV Programs
- Elena Irwin – Keynote: The Urban-Rural Continuum and Connection
- Suzanne Mills-Wasniak – The Shelter Farm
- Amanda Osborne – Beet Food Waste
- Tony Staubach – 4-H in the First American City
Keynotes, Leading Edge Dialogues, and Mobile Learning Workshops
The keynote presentations each day were very focused on urban Extension and covered the topics of Innovation in the City; What Matters to Metro; Diversity, Complexity, and Scale; and The Urban-Rural Continuum and Connection. The Leading Edge Dialogues for Extension leaders spotlighted six critical issues facing urban universities and cities. Each featured an opening from a panel of experts then participants delved into group discussions about the topic. Participants choose from 10 mobile learning workshops which were half-day, off-site learning opportunities about Seattle.
To learn more about the conference and sessions offered visit the conference website. Stay tuned to the Extension in the City blog for more articles about the conference.
The next National Urban Extension Conference will be held in Atlantic City, New Jersey on May 17-20, 2021.