My Reflection

3 Major Takeaways

  1. When taking an online quiz it could be overwhelming so, scheduling time out of your day that is just for studying for each class is helpful. When using the study manager it helped me schedule when and what time I want to study and a notification pops up saying if I am studying at this time is helpful to remind me that I have to start studying.
  2. I should stop using procrastination as an excuse to push off to do my assignments later and do it when it is first assigned so I have to time to correct/revise it later and to be more productive of my time and if the assignment is hard I should try to do it and complete it so, I can use my free time on other things. I need to motivate myself to stop procrastinate and to not discourage myself when I think I can’t do an assignment. To do breathing exercises when I am overwhelmed instead of thinking I will do the assignment later.
  3.  Being able to see what task you have to do for the week is very helpful when managing what assignments to complete first and in order of urgency. Using Trello has been helpful because I can actually visually see what I need to do for the week and what assignments I need to complete for the day. When I am done with the assignment then I can move it to the completed task section.