Project Statement
When considering all types of deep spaces, I decided to portray the endless tunnel that the internet has become all while residing within a small pocket-sized device. The use of grey scale cardstock helped me to create the illusion of a con-caved space, and I used sticky foam squares to attach each layer and add height and dimension between them. The back side of the piece is decorated as a realistic phone with camera lenses and a fun case. I wanted my design to be considered from all angles because it is such an instinct to pick up your phone when it is face down on the table and get sucked in. The front side has different elements including a social media feed that extends outside the boundaries of the screen to show how we bring what we see on the internet with us everywhere, regardless of if you are on your phone or not. There are a few notifications and pop ups that reflect some of my personal analytics like the number of unread messages on my text app or the amount of time I was on my phone the past week. The apps are raised at different heights to show how often I spend time on them. To represent how consuming this digital world is, I made an indented area within the screen where you can interact with a rotating piece of paper that essentially says you’ve either received social praise or people are uninterested in you.
View detailed project process at Layers and Deep Space: Process
I am very happy with how this piece turned out because in many ways, I believe I captured the all consuming experience that the internet and social media platforms create for us. What I would chose to improve on would be adding even more layers for the outer gradient because I would have liked it to create physical deeper space than I have currently. My range of shades in my cardstock pack definitely limited me, but I could have doubled up per each shade to achieve the depth I was trying to convey. I also think The social media feed element could’ve had a few of its own dynamic pieces coming off of it to show how it surrounds our lives and takes a hold of our thoughts and feelings about everything we encounter. In general, I think because of the theme I chose, I participated in a lot of self reflection while researching and developing my narrative. I questioned my own online habits and how often I should really be using my phone. Learning about myself in a creative way is important and always a fulfilling aspect to a project.