The Ohio State University
Dr. Michael Tripepi joins Hillsdale College as an Assistant Professor of Physics

Dr. Michael Tripepi joins Hillsdale College as an Assistant Professor of Physics

Dr. Michael Tripepi graduated in 2022, and began his career as an assistant professor of Physics at Hillsdale College, MI in the fall of 2022. His PhD was on studying strong field nonlinearity in solids in the near to mid-infrared…

Photo: Robb McCormick Photography

Dr. Noah Talisa at the Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) at Johns Hopkins

Dr. Noah Talisa graduated in December 2020. His specialty was generating and characterizing few-cycle laser pulses and capturing few cycle laser solid damage dynamics. He is currently a scientist at the APL.  

Dr. Kevin Werner at BAE Systems as Principal Laser Scientist: 2019

Dr. Kevin Werner at BAE Systems as Principal Laser Scientist: 2019

Dr. Kevin Werner Graduated from Chowdhury Group in January 2019. His PhD thesis is titled, “Ultrafast Mid-Infrared Laser-Solid Interactions”, where he studied strong field interaction in mid-IR wavelengths with materials like Si, Ge, ZnSe, ZnS, etc. His key research and…