Graduate student Kyle Kafka wins Best Oral Presentation Award at SPIE Laser Damage 2016
The oral presentation of Kyle R. P. Kafka from Chowdhury Group titled, “Few-cycle pulse laser-induced damage of thin films in air and vacuum ambience” has been selected as the best oral presentation at the 48th Boulder Laser Damage Symposium (https://spie.org/conferences-and-exhibitions/laser-damage)….

Chowdhury Lab sets the standard for the highest damage threshold ultra-fast optics in the world
Femtosecond Solid Dynamics Lab of Prof. Chowdhury has participated in the world-wide Thin Film Laser damage competition at the 48th Boulder Laser Damage Symposium (world’s longest running laser conference) as the official Damage Testing Facility for 2015 and 2016. They…