Easy Forms in U.osu

I use a U.osu site to organize tools, information, and training materials for the Digital Union student staff. Recently, I implemented a form in the site for staff to submit documentation to me in the event that we encounter a particularly unruly guest.

What I’m emphasizing in this post however, is not the topic of the form, but how to make a form, and a few of the really nice features of Formidable, the pre-installed WordPress plugin for building forms in a U.osu site. Continue reading Easy Forms in U.osu

Complete PDF Forms in Adobe Reader

PDF forms do funny things when you don’t open/complete them in Adobe Reader, which is free to download/install/use (or Acrobat Pro which is not free).

Red box w/ abstract, ribbonlike white A insideMac users have this problem a lot because your default setting is to open PDFs in Preview. Bad. Spend 5mins to take care of this once and for all: Continue reading Complete PDF Forms in Adobe Reader