Quiz Questions

Test your knowledge by answering these sample questions about Cholecystitis

1.Which best describes the role of the gallbladder? 

A. Similar to the appendix, the gallbladder has little known physiologic function. Because of this, it can be removed without any consequence to the patient. 

B. The gallbladder synthesizes bile. It also stores and secretes bile, a yellow-green substance needed to digest lipids. 

C. The gallbladder makes cholecystokinin (CCK). CCK stimulates the Vagus nerve and facilitates movement of bile through the intestines. 

D. The gallbladder stores, concentrates, and secretes bile. Its structure allows for easy absorption of fluid and electrolytes, leaving behind highly concentrated bile that is needed for fat digestion.

2. Which of the following is NOT considered a differential diagnosis for acute cholecystitis?

A. Acute pancreatitis

B. Irritable bowel syndrome

C. Peptic ulcer disease

D. Appendicitis

3. Symptoms of gallbladder disease often resemble those of other GI diseases. Which group of symptoms suggest cholecystitis?

A. Pain in the right lower quadrant, leukocytosis, low-grade fever

B. Pain in the right upper quadrant, low-grade fever, bloody stools

C. Pain in the right upper quadrant that radiates to the right shoulder or back, positive Murphy’s sign, bloody stools

D. Pain in the right upper quadrant that radiates to the right shoulder or back, positive Murphy’s sign, low-grade fever

4. G.B. is concerned about the need for additional medical workup. She asks, “Why do I need to have a CT scan. Is there not a simple blood test that could confirm my diagnosis?” What is the most appropriate way to respond to Mrs. G.B.’s question?

A. Blood tests are not appropriate in this situation given your symptoms.

B. Yes, that is a great suggestion. Thank you for being an advocate for yourself!

C. While some blood tests may be able to help with diagnosis, there is not a definitive blood test for detecting cholecystitis. Imaging provided by a CT will enable a more accurate diagnosis because the medical team can evaluate for the presence of gallbladder inflammation and stones which can help differentiate from other possible causes of your symptoms.

D. We must do a CT scan, HIDA scan, and blood work to confirm your diagnosis.

5. G.B.’s family history reflects a maternal history of gallbladder disease. True or false: family history is the ONLY risk factor for cholecystitis seen in G.B.’s case.

A. True, family history appears to be the only indication for G.B.’s condition.

B. False, she presents with additional risk factors for cholecystitis.