3 ▶Be a true chocolate


Winnowing, Pressing and Grinding

The process of winnowing requires to split the beans and separate the nibs from shells of the beans. Then the nibs are supposed to be Dutched and then form the chocolate liquor, which is also called the crude chocolate. (water 7)

Bean nibs are crushed into liquid coca butter, which is chocolate liquor. 1

There is a kind of pressing machine which is used to extract the cocoa butter and the cake from the crude chocolate. The cocoa cake will later be refined into the cocoa powder. (water 7)


Refine the Cocoa liquor

The cocoa liquor is supposed to be refined in some sense to get rid of the rough cocoa particles and the metal elements. After the refinement, any flavoring like sugar and essential element like cocoa butter are supposed to be added into the refined cocoa liquor. (water9). This procedure minimizes the particles in coca, and it also melts and distributes the butter. Conching is a process in which mix the ingredients. Factory workers mix coca butter with flavor and make them into different kind of chocolate, from dark chocolate to white chocolate. Workers may also add vanilla tastes to improve mouthfeel. Then the mixture are put into conching machine for days. This processes very much determines the texture and flavor the chocolate. Later, the mixture will be cooled and wait to crystalized and become solid chocolate.



The tempering process is the way to improve the taste and appearance of the chocolate by heating and cooling it. The fat globules will coordinate orderly in this case. To get a better tempering, 3 requirements are supposed to be fulfilled: proper temperature, critical time length and agitation. (water 7)

The better quality chocolate, which has been tempered, is supposed to be poured into the molds. In this way, the final process of making chocolate is done. Packaging will be the next step to make sure the chocolate is dry and can prevent the growth of the molds. (water 7)



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