Exercise 7: Cartoon DrawingÂ
Monday, November 16
Start planning the cartoon’s story line. You may come up with two narratives and try them both out. In preparation do sketches of the individuals, characters, or activities/backgrounds for scenes. Develop a style for your sequence. Once you have a narrative, make more sketches to explore the cell arrangement, the style of the drawing, and the materials you’ll use (sharpie, pencil, or colored pencils). What will cell size and shape look like?
I developed 2 different narratives: 1) Christmas and Santa’s Journey and 2) Chloe’s Holiday Highlights. I selected the narrative titled “Chloe’s Holiday Highlights.” The style for my cartoon will be cartoon-like, comedic, comical, light, bubbly, and cheerful. I will use sharpie for box outlines, black ballpoint pen to outline pencil sketches, and colored pencils/colored pens. See the image below for details regarding cell size and shape. Sketches and basic outlines for my cartoon can be found in the image(s) below.
Exercise 6: Gesture Drawing
Tuesday, October 22
Make 13 gesture drawings, preferably related to nature. Please make two basic groups of drawings: a first group consists of 8 drawings made with rapid movements of pencil, charcoal, or pen and a second group of 5 drawings still suggesting rapid movement but more time-consuming to complete.
Group 1 of 8 Quick Drawings:
Group 2 of 5 More Time Consuming Drawings:
Exercise 5: Outdoor Perspective & Copying 4 Figures/Images from Article/Textbook
Monday, September 28
Read through perspective reading. Copy 2 illustrations from the “Perspective and the Urban Landscape” (pgs. 88-92). Copy 2 illustrations from any part of the complete reading that you feel you need to review. Then do 2 sketches of outdoor settings in order to help you find the view that you would like to select for your outdoor perspective project.
Exercise 4: Perspective Drawing Exercises
Tuesday, September 22
1. Create a cube using one-point perspective
2. Create a cube using two-point perspective
3. Create a cube using three-point perspective
4. 6″ Square with Elipse (circle) In It
5. 2 Point Perspective Cube with 2 Elipses In It
Exercise 3: Making a Value Chart, Shading a Sphere, and Drawing a Perspective Cube
Tuesday, September 9
Please Note: Typically I am able to brighten up the photos by using flash or increasing the exposure on the images; however, for this exercise, I was unable to increase the brightness/clarity of the images, because it impacted the specific value shades I used.
Value Scales:
Objects (Sphere and Cube) Drawings:
Exercise 2: Contour Drawing – Objects
Friday, August 28
Please note: Normally in-progress photos will be uploaded in addition to final products for exercises and projects.
4 Contour Drawings of Autobiographical Objects:
Exercise 1: Blind Contour and Contour Drawing
Wednesday, August 26
Please note: Normally in-progress photos will be uploaded in addition to final products for exercises and projects; however, for this exercise, the pen/pencil was not allowed to be lifted, therefore, I was unable to take “in progress” photos during this exercise. Additionally, the photographs of my work will improve, I am still playing around with the best way to photograph pencil drawings.
3 Blind Contour Portraits:
3 Contour Portraits: