6The final step in Chipotle’s commodity chain is waste removal. Chipotle is a proponent of minimizing as much of their products as they can. This manifests itself in their choice to use post-consumer napkins, plates, and cups, and then recycling them again once they are used. They also give uneaten food to local homeless shelters to ensure that nothing goes to waste that could benefit their local society. Their decision to use recycled materials does decrease their profit margin on each meal sold, but again their management believes that their consumers will appreciate their progressive policy enough to make up for the slight diminish in returns. Also their decision to give extra food to people in need makes the presence of a Chipotle store more welcome in a community than many other fast food chains that are open 27/7.
I have been in the hospitality industry for 36 years since graduating from College and am so proud of Chipotle for their thoughtfulness to provide homeless shelters with any uneaten food. This shows everyone the kind of company Chipotle is, and one that I would be proud to work for.